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Maulika's pov

It's been two years since I am away from Hoseok. I just have a call with jiwoo twice in a month to know his condition. And sadly they daily tell me that the medicines are given but there is no recovery sign. He clearly doesn't remember anything...and when he tries he gets a headache so we don't pressurize it. So life goes on like this. We are miles away from eachother. I just daily live for the news that maybe one day he will recover...he will remember me. But sadly no news!
But still I am hopeful that one day or the other his memory will come back. From the day I left Korea till today I hardly had any contact with the members. They all are busy. And the world's going on as normal. They behave like I was never in his life. And everything seems to be erased like Hoseok's memories.

While many things happened after I returned from there. It was so difficult to make ma and baba understand. Ma started to cry ...even she started cursing why she married me off with him. Some relatives, neighbors and even cousins taunted saying " Bada gayi thi Korea ....kahi ki nhi rhi( Such a excited one went to Korea with high dreams and is left with nothing )....marriages like these never works. Now what will she do. Her husband threw her out." They even told ma that she did wrong marrying me in different country. Because in India the caste difference sucks and she married her off in different country only.  For more than three months I was a gossip topic for them. But I beared with all that. After that I carried on with my degrees I took it privately. And finally I am working in a finance company. I earn handsome salary. My job is a perfect thing to avoid all the chaos of my life. After I got my job Baba and Ma hunted a Bengali groom for Mruda and she is now well off and settled in a good family. Her in laws are nice people they didn't judge Mruda on my behalf afterall for the society my marriage was a shattered one.

So now Ma, Baba and me and my loneliness resides in this house. Mruda is blessed with a baby girl now. And I have become masi. Mruda comes to meet us sometimes. And she stays with us for long and I and everyone become happy. But if in between any relative or neighbour comes they leave three-four taunts for me. Like whether if I was married to someone nice here only of our caste I would also have been a mom till now of two kids. But who cares... I never cared for anyone's opinion. I am independent and it's my life. Actually these things don't hurt me anymore. During the daytime I am busy with my job and at night I sleep while looking to the moon. As I and Hoseok promised that when we will be away from eachother for a long time...we will just look at the moon and stay connected.

And like this life is going on...with the hope that one day he will remember everything.

Hoseok's pov

It's our concert day at the Seoul Olympic stadium. We have to perform our one and only best song of the year DYNAMITE and the other one "Life Goes On". I am all set and ready . The members are also getting ready. I am so excited to perform large number of my armies are waiting for us to perform outside. I am just so blessed to have them. They are so loving and adorable beings in our lives. It all looks so complete but still somewhere I feel gloomy from inside daily. While in these two years after my minor accident took place I am on a slight medication. The members and even jiwoo always are behind whether you took the medicines or not. And hell... I have to take it daily. Afterall I have to stay fit and well.  Even I am also tired of this minor illness and health capsules. From past two years...I get dreams of a girl with whom I share my laughters...I even hug her for a few times..she laughs and blushes...I see I touch her and how she reacts...but the sumtotal of all this is that this girl and this dream is all blur. I cannot figure out whom do I see in my dreams. It comes like a flashback and goes away...and when I try to force myself to remember my head starts to pain. But who cares all this might be just some normal issues. I never had any girl in my life other than girlfriend I had during my training days who left me...and it's impossible for her to haunt me now. As I don't remember her face also. To avoid all these distractions I just see the moon and it calms me.

"Hyung let's go in it's time for the performance", Jimin yelled and yeah I got excited afterall it's about our music and dance. And hell yeah our performance tonight lasted for two hours and it was so fun. All armies chanting our names...singing with us. And this all makes me feel that our job is complete.

While returning back to our rooms.

"Hobiiii don't forget tomorrow event that fansign...and get ready early" and then he left. Thank God he reminded me or else I would have forgotten and might sleep more as I am hell tired.

       Finally it's morning and I am awake and even on right time. The event will start at 12:00 and I am all bathed and freshened up. Only the makeup and hairstyle is left. Soon after I drank my coffee my stylist and makeup artist came.

"Hyung are you ready?"...JK called out and Jimin started to dance around. They all get so excited to meet the armies. Even I am afterall they gave us the wings to fly. While the event took place we all were laughing and talking to our fans. One by one they came and talked..shared their thoughts and then left. I just cheered everyone who came. The next who was coming was a girl of  nine or ten years. She looked so chubby and cute. While the other members were looking forward for their new army.

"Hey oppa...I admire you a lot" she smiled. Handling me the notebook.
I took it and began signing.

"You are so cute sweets", I gave her a highfive. Her hands were so tiny. It makes me so happy to see little armies.

"Your wife is bootifulllll...I love her..never leave her", she smiled. And for a moment I got shocked. My wife...she is beautiful..never leave her...what is this little girl speaking? I couldn't get her words..never leave my wife...what was she trying to say? Before I could turn and question her, she had left....and for the rest of the fanmeet the only thing that was stuck  in my mind was what that girl spoke.

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I purple you all.

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