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Mruda's pov

I finally decided to tell ma and baba about Di.As I was taking each step towards them.I was feeling frightened because according to them Ankit is the best match for Di. As I reached the living room, I found baba was busy in reading newspaper and ma was peeling potatoes sitting on the deewan bed. There were noises coming from streets, of the roaming pedlars screaming to sell their goods, and children were shouting while playing. I can smell that Ma had cooked fish today for lunch. I went and sat in the sofa silently.

"What happened betu... Why are you not speaking and why are you silent today?" ma questioned me. At first I was startled but with lots of courage I spoke "ma and baba I want to tell you something about di".And as I mentioned 'Di' they gave me their full  attention.

"What happened to her, you contacted her. Has she made up-to the interview" Ma seemed worried.

"Yes Mruda is Maulika all right? " baba questioned me.

"Actually I don't want to hide this to you anymore..... " before I could complete ma interfered in between.

"What are you hiding tell me.... Tell" she stopped her work.

"Has something happened?" Baba questioned me.

"Actually Di didn't go to Korea for meeting or interveiw.she went there to meet her love of life" I tried to explain.

"Love of life.... How come... Ankit is the only one she loves... He is Bengali.. And perfect for her. Who the hell she has went to meet in korea?" Ma screamed and Baba was still silent.

"Ma actually di was madly in love the famous K-pop group BTS member J-HOPE and one-day she accidentally exposed her love letter on twitter and people started to question that Why the hell she is so determined to marry a popular idol. No-one could know her name as it was Sweet_candy on twitter and had a profile of shinchan. We apologized on behalf of the letter and thought it's fine now." I said with cold perspirations.

"Then... So it should be over na" Baba asked in surprise.

"Na baba they asked Di to visit Hoseok for once as half public wants to know who the girl is and wants her to be with Hoseok and Indian and some international armies are in support but the Koreans ones are not happy. So they decided that she should just come on their expenses and if Hoseok only meets her and does not have any will to marry her, they will get her clicked with him and make the situation in control as the international armies including India will be happy that an Indian fan could meet them. And if Hoseok decides to marry her then they will marry there under wraps and after one month they will come here for a proper marriage and it will be declared public that they used to have a secret love affair and Hoseok is now marrying his loved one" I told them all. Maa banged her head with her hands and Baba was in shock.

"So what is decided by that boy? " Baba finally asked.

"He is ready to marry her. Di is with him and in their house and she will not come here before the expiry of one month. And they will marry there but they want your blessings so they will give you time to think.. And that is the 1 month span. " I told the test of the conditions.

"First of all they have kept our daughter now they are applying conditions"Ma got angry.

"Maulika went there herself" Baba explained it to her.

"So now she is going to marry a Korean, with small eyes and she didn't  even think she is Bengali, we have promised Ankit's parents. What society will think. They will curse this marriage. It's not easy to get married to such popular people. Maybe he is not the same as the way he shows her. Maybe he is bad inside... My poor daughter" Ma was weeping.

"See Mruda as I have never blocked both of my daughters path I will still not do that. I really don't care about the society if my daughter is sure.I will still support her. But she lied and went that is bad, we will have to answer so many people. I don't want that one day you both come and say we never let you have what you deserved. But I also think that it's too early. Her graduation is incomplete. Your Ma is not well after hearing this. We are both in shock. We have to see to it,this is what I can say for now"Baba stood up and took Ma inside the room as she was shocked that her daughter ran away.

I mailed di....

"Baba seems to be positive as he wants you to be happy, but Ma is in shock and crying a lot. Let's hope they understand and don't panic. 😘"

Maulika's pov

As I read the message , tears fell from my eyes. I have upset my Ma and Baba. They brought me up and I ran away keeping their self respect on stake. I replied Mruda with a OK.  But I was not at all OK. I had lied to them. I have hurt ma. She is crying and weeping over there for me. Baba I knew will understand as he loves me and always had supported me and never considers what society says he is very open minded but Ma..all this was making me fell so terrible from inside. MA..... I am sorry.. So sorryyyy... I was weeping too hard.

"Moon what happened... Why are you crying.... Did you feel alone last night.. Or we did something wrong to you.. Have my words hurt you... Moon" Hoseok was worried he came running from outside when he heard me crying leaving all her work.

"No.... I am not crying because of you or the other members. You have accepted me as the way I am. Even you guys gave me a big room for alone. You sleep on sofa because of me they all share the rooms.. I m not crying because of you.. It's that my Ma had got to know all this and she is crying that I cheated her" I started to cry again. And he suddenly pulled me into a tight hug. But how can I control myself I have hurt my family for my sake.

"Don't worry... They will understand. They will be shocked but they all need time." Hoseok tried his best to comfort me. We almost sat their in same position until I slept resting myself against his chest. The best place, much better than heaven.


There will be some family drama.. As an Indian family needs to be showcased like this.. But let's hope Maulika's Ma agrees for their marriage.

Love you 💜

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