Chapter 3 Wha-

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       I woke up and felt warm as if someone were next to me, to my surprise I was on Silver's bed and he was hugging me- To avoid mass gay panic I tried to get out of his hug to no avail. I'm so confused, why was I on his bed? Why was he cuddling me? How did no one come in to ruin the moment? Was I dreaming? Apparently, no. Silver woke up and then explained what happened, me being the fabulous gay dude I am went into gay panic mode. That's just what I do, man.

        And so I glitched a ton and teleported to my bed because Hot Topic Link needs some time to think. Yes, he is hella fucking cute and adorable. But I know close to nothing about him, so I planned on gaming tonight and learn more about him like that, because I'm not as dumb as I act.

 *  *  *

        Me and Silver are gaming in my room, I had found out how he became a Creepypasta, it was pretty sad and we ended up hugging, I'm a good broski like that. And so, we became best bros through gaming. That was until a certain annoying bitch showed up, AKA Nina Hopkins. The Jeff fangirl. You'd expect her to have some loyalty to the dude she simps for, but no. She flirts with almost any guy, she is just that goddamn desperate.

        Nina came into my room to annoy me and saw Silver, it was her first time meeting him. She wanted to make a good impression, but she failed that by being born. She sat on the bed next to Silver.

"So~ what's your name cutie?" She purred, it made me cringe so hard.

"Fuck off Nina, we don't need a slut in here to ruin the vibe" I coldly stated. She glared at me, hell if I care, not like she can kill me.

"U-uh.. I'm Silver.." The raven haired boy seemed quite uncomfortable so I chimed in.

"Nina, I think I hear Jeff calling for ya. Don't want him to see you 'flirting' with other dudes, do you." Silver shot me a smile as Nina ran out the door to Jeff's room, I assume.

"Who was th-that?"

"Nina, the most annoying bitch in this joint. Honestly, I'd prefer to hear Jeff and Jane fight 24/7 than see her" 


        We went back to gaming, but it was getting late so Silver went back to his bed. I turned off the console- of course I saved before I did that - I plopped onto my bed and read some fanfics on Wattpad because I like to make fun of the cringy shit that some people write on there. After that I put my shoulder-length hair into a messy bun and went to sleep.


I'm accepting ideas for other chapters because I am big dumb energy, anyways..  hope you enjoyed this chapter, see you next time :D

word count 502

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