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Waking up at odd hours because of a baby's cries is one of the cons of parenthood. Surely it can be overweight by the pros but one can't overlook it.

Yoongi twists and turns in the tiny couch , it is too small to contain his whole body. He tries hard not to pay attention to the crying because he knows Jimin would be awake by now. The baby would soon go back to sleep after getting lulled in Jimin's arms.

But when the crying continues for some time , Yoongi has to take matters into his own hands. He tiptoed to the room, opening the door slowly.

" Jimin ?"
He asks in a hushed tone, the room is consumed in darkness beside the fairy lights and the moonlight that filter through the window.

He goes upto the cradle, picking the little boy gently in his arms.
" Haru ah, why are you crying baby ?"
He tries to shush him down but nothing seems to work on the little boy.

He looks down at a passed out Jimin, his eyes are clenched shut, his hands gripping hardly onto the blanket. Yoongi can feel how exhausted the younger must be, after all he's the one who takes care of Haru all day while doing all the chores. He doesn't even get much rest in the daytime so at least he should have a goodnight sleep for the sake of his health.

" Your papa is sleeping right now. We should go outside, let him rest okay."
He speaks to Haru as if the baby understands what he is saying.

He somehow manages to get back to the living room without disturbing Jimin's sleep. He sighs looking at Haru who's still crying. That makes him think that he doesn't know much about how to handle babies and what he should do in this kind of situation.

" Haru ah, please don't cry."
He tries to beg with a desperate tone, hoping that the baby would magically understand him and calm down. But that doesn't happen in reality.

He then tries to think what Jimin would do in a situation like this...
Sing a lullaby. That's right, Jimin would sing for the baby. Yeah, that's easy. He could do it too, right ?

" I don't know how to sing a lullaby but I can try for you."
He clears his throat, trying to make his voice particularly shrill.

" Oh my little Haru ah, why are you crying ?
Let's close our eyes and fall asleep, your dad is trying."
He looks down to see that the baby eventually stops being fussy , he's now staring at Yoongi with his big doe eyes. Probably entertained from his little self made lullaby.

" You're my little sunshine, that brighten up my day ,
You're like the beautiful sky, painted in blue and gray."

" Your face is fresh as a flower, your smile sweet as honey ,
  So don't cry my darling, and fly away to the dreamland with bunny.''

The baby eventually closes his eyes after hearing the lullaby. Even though it was nothing great in comparison to Jimin's soft and sweet one, Yoongi still feels proud of himself. He's one step closer to becoming a great dad.

" It was great, hyung."
Jimin whispers from behind. The shuffling in the surroundings eventually woke him up.

He continued to admire the scene from behind while Yoongi tried his best to put Haru back to sleep. He'd have to give the older an A+ for his lullaby, that was really creative.

" Ahh, you heard it ?"
Yoongi tries to make himself small, he suddenly feels so insecure and embarrassed about it.
" Yeah , it was really nice."
He finally walks up to where Yoongi was standing, patting a sleeping Haru's head.

" I'm sorry, I woke you up. I guess I was really tired, that's why I didn't wake up sooner." Yoongi looks at Jimin's face, he looks so dejected right now.

He could sense that the younger was now blaming himself for something so little. That's how he has been since they were little , always so hard working and a perfectionist.
" Jimin ah , you're a human. It's natural for you to feel exhausted."

" But I'm such a bad-"
He cuts him in between.
" Don't you dare say you're a bad parent." He places his free hand that's not holding Haru on Jimin's face , making him look up.

" You're such a great father to our Haru. I've seen how you take care of him. You don't even let him cry for even a second. You're an amazing dad. I don't think anyone else can take care of him like you do." He tenderly caresses the younger's soft cheeks and gives him a smile.

Jimin sucks up on his breath.
" Thank you." He whispers letting the tears fall down on the floor.
" Come here, big baby." Yoongi opens his arms to wrap Jimin in a side hug.

In that moment the arms squeezed a fraction tighter and Jimin breathed more slowly, his body melting into Yoongi's as every muscle lost its tension to the spring air, the rest of the world and its worries ceased to exist for a precious few moments.

On the other side of the city , a sleepy Jungkook is woken up by the constant ringing of his phone. At first he decides to let it slide , thinking that it might be a spam call. But when the ringing continued for a longer time he finally decided to pick it up.

" Hello ?" His voice is all deep and hoarse.
The shuffling  sound could be heard from the other side before the voice finally came through.

" Thanks for finally picking up." The person said in an annoyed voice.
Jungkook looked at the caller ID , the voice seemed too familiar to him.

" Taehyung ssi ?" He asks to clear his surmise.
" Glad you finally realized." Taehyung chuckles on the other side. Seeing how lively his voice sounds it seems like the older isn't sleepy a bit.

" Why are you calling me at this hour ? Is everything fine ?" He tries to sit up straight.  Why would Taehyung call him at such an ungodly hour ? Wait , how did he even get his number ? He doesn't remember giving it to him.

" No , nothing's fine. My heart hurts." He says the words in a dramatic tone.
Jungkook places his phone away from his ear , staring at it in confusion.

" Are you drunk ?"
" I wish I were." We'll , if Jungkook wasn't concerned about the older before now he is.

" Jungkook, I need your help." Taehyung's tone suddenly changed to a serious one making Jungkook restless. He tries to be attentive on the mention of his name.

" With what ?" What if Taehyung has killed someone by accident and he needs his help with hiding the body ? Shit , he has to think of a nice place to bury it then.

" We're going to become cupids."
" C-cupids ?"
He stutters through his words, that's not what he was thinking about.
" It's about time we take this matter into our hands."
The way he says those words with so much desperation it has a shiver run down Jungkook's spine. He's surely onto something serious this time.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost in yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now