We Need To Find Jean!

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Two Days Later.

The day of Raven's funeral had arrived, the students had decided to do their own thing to honour the memory of Raven inside the school since the day was downcast. It had been raining heavy since this morning, but most of them knew Storm was behind it. Her emotions sometimes caused the weather to change without any warning, the whole school's mood was sombre so it fitted the occasion. The X Men were going to say goodbye to their fallen friend at her grave side, Raven had been buried the day before since Charles was like a Brother to Raven. He had told them that it was an old family tradition to be buried before the ceremony, it was old fashioned but no one was going to argue with him about it. He had chosen the perfect spot for her on the school grounds, it was on a hilltop overlooking Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters.

Peter looked at his reflection in the mirror, his face was still cut and bruised. He had made the effort for Raven's funeral, he had ironed his best black suit and borrow a black tie from Charles. He had fought with the tie for a few minutes before he managed to tie it properly, his Mom normally did things like this for him. He had combed his hair back and put some tasteful sunglasses on to cover up his black eye, he was now ready to meet up with his teammates. He left his dorm room and looked both ways down the corridor, he noticed two students sitting on the floor underneath a window. He closed his room's door quietly behind him, he didn't want to disturb them. They had noticed Peter straight away and watched him for a few seconds before they returned their attention back to the balloons, they had a few packets of balloon in front of them. One of the students began to blow up the balloons while the other student tied string around the balloons fastened ends, he knew that the student who was blowing up the balloons had the ability to produce helium with their breath. He had no idea what they were doing so he left them to it, he didn't have time to mess around today. He walked along the corridor and hurried down the staircase, he then met up with Storm in the main hallway.

" You look smart." Storm said.

" Thanks, I'm making the effort for Raven." Peter said.

Storm gave Peter a smile while she fixed his tie for him, she told him it looked like a child had done it for him. He had to admit he wasn't the world's greatest tie fastener, it earned a chuckle from Storm at least. it wasn't long until Scott and Kurt joined them, they were dressed smartly too. They were carrying black umbrellas and bunches of lavender, Raven really liked the scent of lavender. Scott handed Storm and Peter an umbrella, he told them they should get moving now. They walked together down the corridor, Charles and Hank were waiting for them at the main entrance of the school. Peter was surprised to see Hank in his true mutant form, but he knew why he was blue. Raven believed that mutants shouldn't hide their true mutation, she was mutant and proud until the very end. Hank opened the door for them, they all made their way outside and put their umbrellas up. It was still pouring down with rain, they sky was grey and the scent of freshly damp grass lingered in the air. Peter noticed some students at the one of the windows, they were also holding balloons. Charles wheeled himself down a ramp and the rest of them followed him, they walked in single file down the pathway. They kept on following the path, it led them around the school until they reached the hill.

Peter's grip tightened around the umbrella's handle while walked behind Kurt, he could now see where Raven had been buried. The soil was freshly disturbed, there was no gravestone or flowers on her grave yet. He looked at his fellow teammates in turn, they were all grieving in their own way for Raven. They gathered around Raven's grave and threw the bunches of lavender on the damp soil, they bowed their heads has Charles began to speak. His speaking tone was strong with a hint of thoughtfulness in his words, his words spoke to each and everyone of them.

" We're all at war, at war with ourselves." Charles said. " And Raven had been waging that war for most of her life, I hope now she's found peace. Raven died doing what she did best, helping a friend... a friend in need. She is not gone, she lives on through me, through us and the spirit of the X Men."

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