Alien Invasion

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Peter gently rocked side to side as he came round to a clip-clopping sound, his vision was blurred for a few seconds. He tried to move but he was bound to the seat, his leather jacket was torn and the smell of iron was strong in his nostrils. He looked over at the person sitting across from him, he could see Kurt. He looked to the left of him and saw the woman that had been fighting alone side Erik, she stared at him for a brief moment before she looked at one of the soldiers walking passed them. He had no idea where he was but it looked like and sounded like a train, it was heavily guarded by soldiers. His hands and feet were bound, he tried to free his arms but the metal bounds were fixed tightly to the armrests. A soldier walked passed him with a heavy duty assault rifle in his hands, the soldier looked at Kurt while he walked passed him and spoke to him.

" My kid use to be a fan." The soldier said.

Kurt lowered his gaze, he looked disappointed at the man's words. Peter knew how his teammate felt, he didn't want to go back to the times where humans hated his kind once again. They had finally been accepted, but one mistake made by Jean had changed everything overnight. Peter rocked gently side to side while the train rode down the tracks, the train carriage was quiet. His gaze soon wandered to Erik, it had been sometime since he had been in the same room as him. The last time he had seen him this close up was at the school back in 1983, time hadn't changed his Father that much. He watched Erik for a while until Scott's voice caught his attention, he turned his head towards his teammate and made eye contact with him.

" Hey Maximoff, what was that shit you pulled in New York?" Scott asked.

" What are you talking about?" Peter asked.

" You know very well what I'm talking about..." Scott replied.

" Maybe I don't." Peter said.

" You shielded Erik from my attack, what gives?!" Scott asked.

Peter went quiet, he had forgotten about what he had done back in New York. He could feel Scott's gaze on him, he couldn't really tell Scott why he had protected Erik from his attack. It wasn't the right time for him to tell Erik that he was his long lost Son, then again he never seemed to find a right moment to be truthful with Erik since he always seemed to disappeared for a decade or two. Storm piped up and tried to settle the situation Scott was causing, but it only seemed to make things worse. The Professor's voice soon interrupted Storm and Scott's arguing, Peter was happy that Charles had interrupted them.

" What's going on?" Charles asked. 

" It's nothing." Peter replied.

" Nothing?!" Scott asked, his voice was raised slightly. " You blocked my attack with a car door to protect Erik, he was going after Jean!"

" I had my reasons, okay!" Peter replied.

" Oh really? What reasons were those?!" Scott asked.

" Scott, stop it!" Storm replied.

" Hey, knock it off!" The soldier said.

The soldier had interrupted them, it was probably for the best. Scott glared at Peter through his visor, he couldn't see his teammate's eyes but Peter knew he was holding a grudge against him over the Erik incident. He turned his gaze away from Scott and made eye contact with Erik for a brief moment, the situation was awkward. The silence was soon broken by the Professor's voice, he was glad that the subject had been changed.

" Raven had the right of it." Charles said, his gaze was fixed on Hank. " Jean was never the villain, I was. I should have never lied to her, I was wrong."

Everyone turned their attention to Charles, they listened to him speaking with Hank. His words made some kind of sense, Jean wasn't the villain of this story and neither was Charles. He had only tried to help her by hiding the memories he didn't want her to see, it was wrong but at the same time he was only trying to protect an innocent child like a Father would from the darker side of life. Peter admired that Charles was owning up to his past mistakes, he listened to him as he continued to speak with Hank.

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