The Aftermarh

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The battle had been hard on everyone, so many innocent people and mutants had died while they tried to protect Jean from those extraterrestrial beings on the train. Peter had gained consciousness after the battle had ended, he had come around on the way back to the school on the X-Jet. Storm had told him about Jean, he had no words to describe how he felt about Jean sacrificing herself to save them all. Erik had decided to come back to Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters with them, Charles had invited him back to the school after the train event because he wanted to speak with him. Scott had remained silent on the journey back to the school, he was a broken man. It would take time for him to get use to not having Jean around, she was the love of his life after all. Everyone would miss Jean, her presence still  lingered around them even though she wasn't on this planet anymore. 

The X-Jet landed in the Hanger and everyone went their separate ways, but Peter stayed behind in the Hanger with Hank. He needed a quick medical before he went to his dorm room, it was a normal procedure after any mission. Scott had taken his leave, he wanted to be alone. Storm and Kurt were hanging around in the Hanger, they didn't have any serious injuries but they wanted to stay until Peter was patched up. Erik had gone to the Professor's office, it seemed like they had a lot of things they needed to discuss. Peter had wondered if the subject of his parentage would come up in their discussion, it was a confusing time for him. He had no idea if Erik would stick around after he told him about him being his Son, the future was unsure for them both right now.

Hank had spoken to Peter about Erik, it seemed like all of his teammates knew about his secret now. Hank had known Erik back in the 1960s, he gave Peter some advice and told him to be careful around him. Peter understood why he had said it, he knew how dangerous Erik could be at times. He thanked Hank after his medical, he then left the Hanger with Storm and Kurt. He didn't really say much to them, but they had a lot to say to him about Erik.

" I cannot believe Erik is your Father, this does not make any sense." Kurt said.

" It's hard to believe, huh?" Peter asked while he tucked his hands into his trouser pockets. " You know because I'm a good guy and sometimes he's the bad guy, it's like a wacky cartoon." 

" Well, I'm just glad you finally told him even if it did take you nearly two decades." Storm said.

" Me too, but it's still complicated though." Peter said. 

" How is it complicated?" Kurt asked, he smiled at Peter. " This is good news, you have a Father now!"

" Yeah, but he didn't know I existed until today." Peter replied.

" That shouldn't matter, he's still your Father and you're his Son." Kurt said.

" Kurt is right, you're related by blood." Storm said, she rested her hand on Peter's arm and continued to speak with him. " There's nothing more stronger than the link between family, this is what Raven wanted for Erik. She encouraged you over the years to seek Erik out, now you've got the chance to do it."

" I know that, but what if he rejects me?" Peter asked.

" He won't, he's not has bad has you think." Storm replied.

" We're talking about the same guy here, right?" Peter asked.

" You know what I mean, he had a family once and he loved them dearly." Storm replied.

"I don't want to replace his Daughter..." Peter said.

" You won't, just give him a chance." Storm said.

" I will pray for you, Peter." Kurt said, he smiled at his friend while his tail swished from side to side. " I have faith in you, he will learn to accept you. You are a good man, the students speak highly of you."

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