What is this place?

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I groaned when I woke up with a head ache, it was a literal pain in the ass. I rubbed my eyes and opened my eyes, emidentally blocking my sight from the painful light the sun above me gave me. I looked around and noticed I wasn't in my bedroom. I was in a forest. 

I sat up and looked around, this wasn't Seoul, me and my family didn't live near a forest. I heard the birds chirping around me, but they were not in-sight. I stood up and dusted myself off before I softly spoke, "H-Hello, I-is anyone there?" 

It was pointless, it seemed that there was no human being with me, just animals. I gritted my teeth in frustration, "This better be some damn joke, or a horrid dream." I muttered underneath my breath. 

My stomach rumbled quitely, telling me that I'm hungry. I sighed, thinking of the delicious toast I could've made myself by now. I pursed my lips, I should begin and try to find my way out. I decided to head straight, something was pulling me forwards so I decided to trust my instincts. 

I entered the more deeper end of the forest, the sun was overlapping the trees that surrounded me. Honestly, it was a beautiful sight. But there was also something mysterious about this forest, I felt like I wasn't apart of my world anymore.

Like I wasn't on earth, but a different dimension. Silly, right? I sighed and looked down at my think pyjamas that covered my body. Hopefully it doesn't rain, and I better not have jinxed it 'cus I would probably slap myself. Literally.

I stumbled across a another exit that lead to an open area with flowers surrounding a giant tree, that sat in the middle. It was massive, something I would only see in a picture since me and my family don't travel much and we don't have these huge trees in Korea. 

At least not in the area I live in. I smiled at the flowers, they were beautiful. They all seemed to have blossomed a few days ago, the light was making them sparkle. Something I would think of when I look at the ocean.

"Hello Y/n." I jumped at the voice that rang from behind me. I slowly turned around and gaped at the white unicorn that stood before my eyes. It smiled at me, "My name is Aura, and I would like you to follow me please, our king is expecting you." She told me.

I blinked, still astonished. Am I dreaming? I am aren't I? This has to be some dream. "You're not dreaming Y/n." The unicorn told me, as if she has read my thoughts. I blinked, "W-What is this place?" I shakily asked.

"Welcome to Mystolvia; the forest of mythical creatures." Aura introduced. I blinked, so that's why this place seems to mysterious. "How am I not dreaming?" I whispered. Aura chuckled, "Our king will explain everything to you. All you have to do is follow me." She told me.

I sighed, I guess It's better than stay alone in this forest, where I could possible get eaten by one of the creatures living in here. "Okay, I'll follow." I told her, making Aura nod before she began to lead me back into the forest.

I wonder who this king is.

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