Chapter 18

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Florence's words reverberate around Clarissa's head as she pulls out a hidden stash of emergency clothing from her wardrobe. It took her a moment to snap into action, the shock slowing her down, but now she dresses quickly, her mind going into overdrive as she tries to figure out what is happening and what to do. 

"Which ports?" She asks as she takes out a heavy wax overcoat and shrugs it over her loose shirt and trousers. Her fingers fumble with the buttons as she does them up. 

"Victoria North and Strada," Florence gasps, wiping soot from her face, "There's a horse from the livery outside for you and Iwan ran to get the fire brigade," Panic enters her voice and she starts to shake, "I am sorry, I didn't know what else to do!" 

Clarissa knows she doesn't have time to comfort her friend. She laces up a pair of sturdy tall black riding boots and crosses to the bedside table where she removes the false bottom and picks up her heavy silver pistol. The cool metal against her skin calms her racing heart and fuels a jolt of determination. 

"What are you going to do with that?" Flo asks, her eyes wide and frightened. Clarissa doesn't know what to say. Pistols aren't exactly effective against fires, but she needs something to ground her. She is saved from answering as at that moment her father and mother appear in her doorway, a candle guiding their way. 

They look from Flo's terrified expression to their daughter's harsh one but is Clarissa's outfit that has her mother horrified, not the cruel intent dancing in her eyes. 

"What's happened? What's all this noise?" Silas demands to know, the sleep in his voice making him sound croaky rather than threatening. 

"Who are you?" Marie says rudely to Flo, who shrinks back at her glare, "What are you doing in my house?" 

"I don't have time to explain," Clarissa tells them as she seizes her friend's wrist and slips the pistol into her coat pocket. Florence keeps her head lowered as Clarissa pushes through the middle of her parents, not caring for their cries of complaint. She hears her friend say something but she doesn't register. She needs to get out of the house but her parents are on her heel as she marches down the corridor and hurries down the stairs. 

"What is this is madness?" Marie questions, aghast, flapping her hands worriedly. 

"Go to sleep mother," Clarissa calls behind her, unlocking the front door and dropping her grip on Flo. 

A large brown mare is tied to the railing in front of the house, all tacked up and ready to go. She walks up to the horse and strokes its nose first, making the powerful animal aware of her soon-to-be rider. She glances over her shoulder, she is surprised to see that her parents have followed her outside and watch from the doorway. The horse snorts a little and paws its foot, its intelligent eyes on an anxious Florence. 

"Alright, it's alright Whisper," Clarissa murmurs as she checks the girth before untying the knot and hoisting herself up into the saddle. She hears her mother start muttering curses and prayers in french but she pays them no heed. She leans down the left side of the horse and holds out her left arm to Florence, gathering the reins in her right hand. 

"Oh god, Silas, do something," Marie pleads desperately. Her husband sighs and walks over to Whisper as Florence takes Clarissa's arm and is helped onto the back of the saddle. Clarissa shifts forward so her friend can have more of the seat to sit in. 

"Put your arms around my waist." She instructs, "We have to hurry." She feels the resistance in the reins and looks down to see her father's hand on Whisper's bridle. 

"Clary, what's going on?" Silas asks. She tries to form words, but her head is too jumbled. Instead, she gives him an imploring look and tries to communicate the chaos she is feeling, begging him to just let it go. Something must have registered with him because he lets go of the reins and takes a step backwards. 

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