Chapter 30

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It's the next day and Clarissa's knee jiggles up and down as she waits in the office in The One-Eyed Duke. The desk has been moved from the back wall into the centre of the room to accommodate two chairs fitting behind it; one for her and one for Peter. An empty chair looks at her across the wood and the marriage contract lies in the folder on top of it. A pen waits next to it. She hasn't thought much about this meeting, since Daniel's visit yesterday has consumed most of her mind and energy. However, as she waits for Wyn to arrive she begins to panic. She spoke to Peter when she arrived earlier this morning and he seems confident that the meeting will go well and that Wyn will be compliant, but Clarissa has her doubts. She knows him and has become familiar with his strong morals and high opinions. 

The door opens and Peter enters with Wyn trailing behind. Clarissa automatically sits up straighter and Wyn flashes her a dazzling grin as he sits opposite her. She offers a tight smile in return, tension gripping her shoulders. Peter sits next to her, all calm and confident. 

"I was surprised to receive your message," Wyn says, dropping his briefcase onto the floor, "You have so many lawyers and accountants in your service, it's a wonder you need my legal services," 

Clarissa focuses on the table, unable to look at him, "Ah quite, I apologise for occupying your time on a Sunday, I am sure you are very busy with your job...and Jenny, but there's something we need." 

"Anything I can do to help The Strand," He says earnestly. 

Although Clarissa only met him a few months ago, Wyn was born and raised in The Strand and it is thanks to Peter that he got away and started the career he is in. She doesn't know all the details but she knows he is loyal to his birthplace above all else. 

She winces and her nails bite into her palms as she rests them on her lap, "I am grateful for that. So the matter at hand," She mentally braces herself for his reaction, "I am to be married, soon in fact, and I need the marriage contract to protect my assets from my husband." 

Wyn's expression goes from shocked, to angry, to confused as he processes her words. He glances from her to Peter, searching for an explanation and then swallows thickly when they don't give him one. No one speaks, the only sound is the clattering of Sunday dinner being made in the kitchens next to the office. Clarissa peeks at her friend from under her lashes and regrets it instantly. He is staring with such heightened emotion that it causes her stomach to flip. 

"We need you to write up a legally binding marriage contract that will ensure that Clarissa keeps possession of The Strand and its profits," Peter explains, sliding the draft across to him, "This is everything that needs to be written in." 

Wyn pays him no need, not even looking down at the document. He is rigid in his seat, waiting for Clarissa to clarify what the actual hell is going on. Finally, she looks up and meets his angry eyes. 

"He will be given the dowry that my father has set aside, but every else is to remain in my possession," She says, ignoring the way his nostrils are flaring. Peter shifts in his seat, pushing the contract further forward. He gives them both a confused frown, not missing the hostile atmosphere between them. Wyn breaks his glare and opens the folder. Clarissa holds her breath as he scans it. 

"I see," He says as he gets to the end of the page, "Does your fiancé agree to this?" 

The sneer he puts on the words fiancé inflames Clarissa's temper. 

"He does," She says shortly, folding her arms. 

"And you know this isn't legal?" He says slowly. She raises her eyebrows at his patronising tone. 

"We know that this against the law, but that once it has been made and signed that it will be binding should it be contested," Peter nods, "We understand the unconventionality of the situation." 

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