Chapter 32

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As Wednesday approaches Clarissa feels very conflicted about meeting Cavendish. Her walk with Grace has been playing on her mind, and it's made her reluctant to face the duke with her curiosity about his father gnawing inside her. Secrets and lies run thick in families like theirs, and sometimes the lies run so deep that they have become the truth.  

On Wednesday morning Clarissa is getting ready to go out. She ties a white ribbon into her hair and scowls at her reflection in the mirror. There are a number of things she would rather be doing today and none of them include Daniel Cavendish and his dangerous smiles. 

She sighs. She knows that it is proper to walk with suitors and one's intended as many girls her age do. A right of passage perhaps. However, the issue is that she doesn't know quite how to talk to Daniel without his mood swings making her want to snap his neck. 

Clarissa considers standing him up but her logical brain overpowers the petty part of her. She isn't in the mood for her mother's needling or Celeste's endless talking so she decides to bring a very willing Alice as her chaperone. 

The two girls don't appear at the corner of Hyde Park until it is exactly 2 o'clock. As Clarissa approaches the west entrance she spies Daniel surrounded by a group of admirers, all chatting to him enthusiastically. His face is a picture of discontent and annoyance. She pauses, amused to see her fiancé brooding over his adoring fans. Alice peers around her shoulder.  

"Shouldn't we save him?" She asks, unsure. 

Clarissa shakes her head and purses her lips, relishing the final few moments before she has to play her part as the duke's loving fiancée. It is important to enjoy the little things, including the misery of arrogant men that require you to promande. Her amusement at his expense is short-lived as Daniel glances around and sees her. He quickly excuses himself from the crowd and strides over to her. Their eyes meet and she curtsies as he bows his head. He takes her hand and lightly kisses the back of it. Out of principle, she wants to rip her hand away but the kiss itself is soft and sends warm sparks up her forearm. 

"Miss Lenoir," He says, his voice velvety and rich. 

"Your grace," She smiles up at him, hoping her face is convincing enough for their audience. He extends his arm, flashing her a lazy smile that makes watching maidens swoon and bat their eyelashes. It doesn't have the same effect on her, all it makes her want to do is introduce his smug face to her fist. 

"Shall we?" 

Clarissa slips her arm into his and he leads her through the entrance to Hyde Park. The sun is shining brighter than usual and many people are enjoying the vibrant grass, tall trees and crisp air of the park. Children run past them, toys clutched in their hands as they race towards the sparkling lake. Familes and friends gather under small marquees, to escape the sun, and wave jovially at arriving friends and potential suitors. The path that Daniel and Clarissa are walking down runs parallel to the lake and curves around in the direction of Kensington Palace. There is no summer breeze but ash trees that surround the stoney walkway provide a cool shade for the couples and families that are out. 

Having never done, or wanted to promenade, Clarissa feels out of place and awkward as they stroll. She feels rather fidgety in her light summer dress but she is careful to keep a jubilant smile on her face, even when she is on the receiving of bitter glares from young women who walk past. Their partnership is attracting a lot of interest from their peers, and stares follow them as they head further into the park. 

"So what is the purpose of this activity other than to annoy our fellow socialites?" Clarissa asks out of the corner of her mouth. Daniel's eyebrow twitches in response. 

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