Chapter 31

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Clarissa invited Celeste over on Sunday evening and told her the news of her engagement. Her sister was delighted and especially pleased to be asked to be the maid of honour. She divided into the wedding plans with their mother, leaving Clarissa and her father to make sarcastic comments whenever Marie or Celeste gave an opportunity. Everything from the guest list to the tablecloths is under the control of Grace and Marie, including Clarissa's wedding gown, meaning that all she has to do for her wedding is show up, dressed, on the right day. She is relieved to have willing people to plan the day as she doubts she could handle choosing the right decorations on top of the current stress that this marriage is putting on her. 

On Monday Clarissa's betrothal is reported in the paper. The announcement covers an entire page, including a beautiful tale of their romance and a striking depiction of her fiancé. After reading the article twice through she decides to stay at home for the day, not feeling well enough to face London and its critics. No doubt there are many questions and rumours circulating about her with her name on everyone's tongue. 

Despite the sun shining high outside the windows, Clarissa spends her morning walking through the house, a book in her hand. She visits the kitchen to steal a croissant and evens enjoys a short time relaxing in the garden. Despite her novel and exploration of the house, she is bored by 11 o'clock and decides to brave the streets for a walk She leaves her book in the library and pulls on a pair of shoes. She finds a white parasol and adjusts it on her shoulder, trying to find the best position to hide her face. If she can make it to Savoy Street without being stopped then she can hide from everyone in the pub until she wants to go home. She opens the front door and heads out into the street. She blinks as she walks into someone on the front step, and her parasol drops to the floor

"Your grace my deepest apologies!" She gasps in shock horror, realising she has almost knocked out her future mother in law with an umbrella. 

Grace smiles, warmly, smoothing out her crumpled dress and hat, "No harm done, my dear," 

"I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," Clarissa excuses quickly, "I was consumed in my own thoughts," She bends down and picks up her parasol, putting it into the umbrella stand. 

"I do the same at times," Grace says graciously. 

Clarissa highly doubts that this elegant woman ever walks into people, let alone with a spikey object, but she still smiles apologetically and says, "Are you here to see my mother?" 

"I am expected for lunch," Grace replies, "But I thought I would come early in hope of a little tete a tete with you," 

"Oh," Clarissa says, taken aback. She glances over her shoulder into the empty corridor, unsure what to do. While her trust for Daniel and Geroge might be shorter than a pin, her admiration for Grace Cavendish is high, although she is still wary of the older woman. "Of course, please do come in," She says, at last, stepping back and turning to look for Alice or another maid. 

Grace raises her eyebrows, "Weren't you going out?" 

"I was but it can wait," Clarissa falters under the withering looks she receives. 

"Then I insist we walk, the exercise will do me good," 

Grace doesn't wait for a reply, she turns away from the house and walks back the way she came. Clarissa takes an indecisive step forward, her hand on the door but one stern look from the dowager has her closing it and hastening to join her. 

A large burgundy carriage is waiting on the street, manned by a driver and three footmen. The Cavendish seal is painted in white on the door and judging by the size of two of the servants, Clarissa suspects they aren't hired to open doors and carry packages. Grace notices her staring at the giant like men in their white and black uniforms. 

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