Chapter 4

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                                                          [Kazumi POV]

I was talking with the girl who had a ridiculously weird name. I looked towards Aqua and she told me that crimson demons like her had a weird name. I wasn't impressed until I had started to read her guild card info and she was telling the truth. She is a an arch mage but my thoughts were interrupted by that white haired hottie.

                                                            [Y/N POV]

I sat back down at the table and gave that mage girl her food which was a challenge to get. As the bar maiden kept flirting with me as I kept trying to order something. When I had returned to the table. Handing Megumin the food that I bought for her. With the little money I had gotten from that goddess. Only to be then asked for my guild card as I handed it to Kazumi and Aqua. They had also told me that if they decide to accept my request to join their party that we would go on a guest to test out our abilities. 

                                                           [Kazumi POV]

I was checking both Megumin's and (Y/N)'s adventurers card. They were both what me and aqua were looking for. But the thing that impressed me was that they both have really strong advanced classes which made me say yes almost immediately. Because of their strengths and why would I turn down a hottie like him!?

KONOSUBA Harem x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now