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"something happened"

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"something happened"

On January first, Platform 9 3/4 was full of families saying goodbye to their children after a full, long month of break. James and Sirius were both being smothered in a hug from a very teary Euphemia Potter, despite her being almost a full foot shorter than her tall sons.

"We'll miss you too, Mia," Sirius grunted, his voice muffled from his face being pressed into the shoulder of her red sweater.

A voice came from behind them.

"Good afternoon, Mia," Remus said, clearing his throat to interrupt as politely as possible.

Euphemia's face brightened again at the sight of Lupin.

"Remus! Lovely to see you again, dear," she smiled, hugging the tallest boy as well.  He smiled and hugged her back, glancing at James and Sirius after Mrs. Potter.

"Peter's waiting on the train, sorry to steal them away from you," Remus apologized.

"Such a polite boy," Mia smiled, and Hope grinned from behind them. "You two could learn a thing or two from him," she scolded lightly, looking at James and Sirius with amused, crinkled up eyes.

James snorted as he shoved his hands in his jean pockets.

"You'd be surprised. This," he said, gesturing at Remus. "Is all an act for the adults."

Mrs. Potter raised both eyebrows.

"I've known him for many years, James. I think I know what you four get yourselves into," she smiled, happy for the amount of mischief they enjoyed even if she did appear annoyed at times. Now was the time to do it if any, she thought with a warm smile at the three of them.

To her surprise, all of their previously happy expressions had dropped in less than a second. 

Sirius's already fair face had paled, and James's mischievous grin had fallen into a frown. Remus's bright green eyes had dulled considerably while rapidly flickering somewhere between anger and fear. His fists were clenched in tight balls at his sides, ready to hurt someone. 

Hope came behind her son, gently placing a hand on his tensed shoulder. "Remus, what's going on?" she asked, exchanging a worried glance with Euphemia.

The two had become good friends through their sons, but it didn't take that much of a bond to figure out something was going on here. The mothers followed their angry son's stares to a family of four standing behind them.

Hollis was standing beside Evan, her mother and father directly across from her. She had been woken up from being in and out of consciousness for almost four days this early morning. Her stomach was empty and past the point of growling with a useless cry for food. Instead, her middle felt like someone was repeatedly scraping her insides for food with a white-hot, sharp spoon, trying to get nourishment out of nothing.

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