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Huddled around their table in the library, the Marauders had a dozen maps splayed out around them for Care of Magical Creatures. On their O.W.L's, they had to be able to look at a map of anywhere within a hundred miles of Hogwarts and label what creatures lived in which areas. Currently, there was a list of about a dozen animals that they had all been contributing to, mostly in Remus and Hollis's handwriting.

Setting down his quill and flexing his fingers, James rubbed his eyes.

"I'm going to go mad looking at the map for any longer," he sighed. "Let's take a break." The others didn't need much encouragement to follow suit.

Black leaned back all the way in his chair, folding his hands together as he eyed an enormous forest marked on the map.

"It's a bit alarming how much of this dangerous stuff is right by our house, isn't it?" asked Sirius, pointing to the huge pine forest on the map.

"Yea, I mean we've always known that Lolchant can be a bit dangerous," Remus replied, and James nodded.

From next to Remus, Hollis's eyes widened, not sure if she had heard correctly.

"What did you just say?" she asked, tilting her head so she was reading the map at the same angle as then. Scratching the back of his head nervously at her intensity, Lupin hesitantly repeated what he just said.

"He said that we've always known how Lolchant can be a bit dangerous?" James reiterated to Hollis, curious why she was so set on this as he leaned forward in his wooden chair with a red cushion.

In one swift motion, she pulled back out her quill, dipped it in navy ink, and handed it to Potter. "Mark where in Lolchant you live."

Slightly nervous, he studied the clump of pines before circling a small patch on the southernmost part of the sprawling lands.

"Hollis, what?" Sirius said with concern at why she wanted to see where their houses were. Not that he didn't trust her, just that something was clearly going on here. she ignored him, snatching the quill out of James's hand and giving it to Remus.

"Remus, now you." With one swift motion, he circled an area across the thinnest strip of woods from the Potter house.

"Holy shit," Hollis whispered, not understanding how it had taken this long.

"What's going on?" Peter asked, eyes darting from the marked map to their eyes.

With a slightly shaking hand, she circled a small patch above Remus's home. 

"No way," James whispered, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose.

"I wish I didn't live in the suburbs," Peter muttered.

BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE - REMUS LUPINWhere stories live. Discover now