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"lips and picnics"

Marlene, James, Lily, Peter, and Sirius were sitting in a circle on the crisp, olive green grass with a checkered cream and ivory blanket beneath them, already having successfully smuggled wicker three baskets of buttery, round dinner rolls, two pitchers of pumpkin juice, and four trays of crispy roasted potatoes, and a dozen exploding bonbons outside by the Black Lake with them. It was a spontaneous decision made by Sirius and Marlene to have a picnic for dinner, and they had victoriously convinced the other Gryffindors to join them.

Now the only people they were waiting on to start were Remus and Hollis.

hurry up - s

From a few sharp turns of portrait-covered corridors down, Lupin and Rosier quickly broke apart to check their heated bracelets. Hollis's face twisted slightly in confusion, not understanding why Sirius was in such a hurry for them to get to the Great Hall.

"Is there another assembly or something that I'm missing?" Hollis asked, subtly pulling down her sleeve back over the bloody white fabric.

Laughing slightly, Remus wrapped an arm around her waist and shook his head.

"No, Pads and Marlene decided to have a picnic out of nowhere, and we're all expected to be there so that we can take part of the blame if a professor finds us," he grinned, looking down at Hollis as they pushed their way out of the bathroom door.

Despite the circumstances, she let out a soft laugh at Marlene and Sirius's idea, but was hard for her to completely ignore the still burning sensation tearing at the flesh over her left forearm, no matter how her face looked on the exterior. Thinking quickly, Hollis looked up at Remus while partially hiding her arm.

"Give me your sweatshirt."



"Oh, uhm, okay," he smiled slightly, pulling the scarlet Gryffindor sweatshirt over his back. His shirt hitched up slightly, and her cheeks heated as he pulled it back down.

Remus handed the sweatshirt to Hollis, who deftly shrugged it on to hide the bloody mark seeping through the white fabric of her shirt. The thing was huge with Remus being a foot taller than her and twice as muscular, but she didn't mind. Drowning slightly in the clean smelling, soft, cotton Hollis sighed internally with relief that her Dark Mark and the rawness around it would be hidden from the other Marauders, Lily, and Marlene for now.

After walking for a few more minutes, they finally turned a corner outside onto the path leading out to the Black Lake. From a couple of hundred yards away, Hollis could see where James was currently trying to convince Lily to sit next to him.

BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE - REMUS LUPINWhere stories live. Discover now