𝑜𝑛𝑒 ℎ𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑖𝑓𝑡𝑦 𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑒.

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"Come on, we're almost to the bathroom."

"It just hurts so bad, I'm sorry."

"Hush, you have nothing to be sorry for, wolfboy."

On the full moon of January thirty-first, Remus Lupin had gotten a particularly bad scratch directly across his face. Most of the time, these gashes were afflicted on other places on his body, but there was occasionally the unfortunate one on his face. 

Remus currently had each of his arms limply draped around James and Sirius's shoulders, while Hollis was watching the Map in front of them. Hollis wished that she could help like the other boys could, but Remus was a solid foot taller than her and there was no way she could support his weight as they could.

Hollis turned back to smile gently at Remus, and when she turned back around she saw a ribbon fluttering in front of them on the Map.

Severus Snape

"Shit," Hollis muttered. "Nox."

"What is it?" James asked, looking at Hollis with concern. 

Hollis frowned and motioned for them to get behind a pillar. 

"Snivellus," she murmured, and the other four Marauders quickly hid from view as deftly as they could supporting the half unconscious Remus. 

They had no idea what the Slytherin boy was doing out so late, but it was certainly nothing good. When Severus came around the corner, Hollis just nodded tersely at him. The pallid boy looked surprised to see her, and his eyes darted to look for someone joining her.

"Rosier, what are you doing?" he asked in a nasal voice that James would usually make exaggerated throwing up motions at.

"You can't say anything when you're out here too," Hollis snapped, implying for Snape to turn around and go on his way.

"Well, I need to get through here," Snape said, trying to get by Hollis. "Excuse me and goodnight."

A shot of panic went through Hollis as he started walking towards where the bloody Remus was shoddily concealed.

"Sorry," Hollis muttered, before flicking her wand at Snape's receding back. 

There was a loud thud as the nonverbal stunning spell made Severus fall unconscious on the carpet. 

James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter all just stared at the boy with both awe and slight fear. The lengths Hollis would go to protect Remus never failed to amaze them. 

"He won't be out for long, come on," Hollis said casually, tucking her wand back into her robes. "And I honestly don't want to have to obliviate him as well."

Sirius stepped over Severus with slightly wide eyes.

"You scare the living shit out of me," James said in a low tone as Peter opened the bathroom door. 

Hollis smiled softly at this statement.

"It was for Remus, I think that's when I'm most terrifying."

The two boys propped up Remus on the counter with a slight grunt.

"I don't know whether to feel honored or scared," Remus said with as much of a smile as he could muster.

Hollis leaned forward and gently kissed him. 


Despite the circumstances, all five of them laughed. Hollis had that quality about her.

With a slightly trembling hand, Remus reached up and brushed his fingers against his face. When they came back with crimson blood on his fingertips, Remus turned to Hollis and spoke with a break in his voice.

"Does it look that bad?" he asked, and Hollis's eyes softened.

She gently put a hand on the side of his neck.

"I think it's beautiful," Hollis said, and she meant every word. "You're beautiful, Remus Lupin. Every part of you, I swear."

Remus put his hand on top of hers and pressed his forehead against hers. They both shut their eyes, just wanting for the other one to let them be there for each other. And Remus had. Hollis opened her deep brown eyes, and Remus did the same only a few seconds after.

"I don't know what I would do without you," Remus whispered with a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Honestly, Rosier, you just make everything about my life so much better."

Although they would never say it yet, James, Sirius, and Peter had never seen two people so deeply in love.

.。*゚+.*.。   ゚+..。*゚+

As the Marauders walked into Transfiguration class on February first they got several odd looks. All five of them were obviously extremely sleep deprived, and Lupin had a partly healed scratch on his face that most definitely hadn't been there yesterday.

"Remember, that essay on Bird Conjuring Charms was due today," McGonagall called out to the class. "And it's sixty points, so I would advise you turn it in right now unless you want late credit."

Hollis opened up her bag along with James, Sirius, and Peter, but she heard Remus let out an infuriated groan.

"Shit," he muttered, not even nothing to open his bag. "The full moon, I forgot, I never forget."

There wasn't a second of hesitation in Hollis's mind as she pulled out her quill. Remus watched as she looked up to see if McGonagall was watching before using her wand to remove her name from the top of the essay. Then, dipping the silver nib of her raven feather quill into a pot of dark emerald green ink, Hollis wrote Remus Lupin at the top of the page instead of her name.

Remus's forest green eyes widened at what Hollis was doing for him. Before he could even try and protest, however, Hollis gave him a powerful glare.

"Lycanthropy isn't your fault," she said firmly, pressing the essay into Remus's chest. "It's amazing already you even come to classes after the full moons. Take it."

"You're an angel," Remus muttered, leaning down to kiss Hollis. "A mental angel, but an angel."

"Essays, now!" McGonagall called, and Remus walked up to turn 'his' in while Hollis just sat down at her seat.

A few minutes later, the class was all settled down to begin Transfiguration when McGonagall look up from where she was counting the papers at Hollis with narrowed eyes.

"Miss Rosier, where is your essay?" she asked with a stern tone.

Once again, with zero hesitation, Hollis took the blow for Remus's furry situation.

"I forgot to do it, professor," Hollis told McGonagall.

James and Lily exchanged a confused glance, they had both been with Hollis while she was writing it during lunch a few days earlier.

"You are aware that it was sixty points?" McGonagall confirmed, sliding her glasses a bit down the bridge of her nose and tilting her head down slightly at Hollis.

Gritting her teeth slightly, Hollis nodded.

"It won't happen again," she said confidently.

McGonagall had a bit of a disappointed look on her face at her normally diligent student.

"Very well."

But then, as she flipped through a few more of them, McGonagall's expression changed. You see, she knew very well about Remus's lycanthropy. And she now knew that Hollis must as well because last night had been the full moon and 'Remus's' essay was in Hollis's handwriting.

Smiling softly, McGonagall marked the empty slot on her parchment next to Hollis Rosier with a 60/60.

She hadn't quite realized how deep the bond between the Marauders ran.

another happy chapter.. 


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