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"the first step"

On February thirteenth, Hollis went to go sit in between James and Sirius during Care of Magical Creatures. She ruffled around her black leather satchel for a few moments until she finally got a hold of her quill and inkpot to take notes on the flobberworms they were studying. However, she lost hold of the red ink when a sudden bang of a wand went off on accident from a few Hufflepuffs. The bottle's cork popped loose in Hollis's startled fingers, and the scarlet liquid spilled all down her white shirt and emerald tie.

"Shit," she muttered, trying to wipe off the already drying ink.

It had already stained into her shirt, though, no chances of getting the pigment out. She groaned in frustration and checked her watch. I still have ten minutes until Kettleburn gets here, she thought, considering her options. And the Slytherin dorms are on this side of the castle.

After a few moments, she decided it was worth it to go change quickly. She grabbed her bag and jogged away, black boots crunching against the slightly frosted pine needles.

Hollis made it to the Slytherin common room only a minute later, quickly running up the stairs to the girl's dormitories. The white, circular buttons of her shirt popped undone with swift, easy movements. She wrapped her fingers around the silver tie and pulled it loose as well, deciding that she would just have to put it on later. The black wooden closet door opened as she grabbed a fresh shirt, and she was halfway through buttoning it when the dorm's heavy door swung ajar.

"One sec, I'm changing!" Hollis shouted to the fifth year Slytherin girl that had just entered. She hadn't expected someone to come in right before a lesson as she had. Instead of leaving, though, the footsteps entered and the silver hinges of the door clicked shut.

"What the fuck," she muttered, turning around to see who had no understanding of the concept of privacy.

It wasn't a girl.

"Get the bloody hell out of here," Hollis spat at Theodore, who was leaning against the doorframe casually.

He didn't make any sort of move to exit, he just stood there staring at Hollis with slightly predatory eyes.

"I said leave," Hollis told Theodore again, her hand inching towards her black wand that was on the dark shelf of her wardrobe.

"You don't get to tell your superiors what to do, Hol," Theodore said in an eerily calm voice. "Isn't that right, Regulus?"

To Hollis's shock, Regulus appeared from around the stone corner. His dark eyes had not a single shred of kindness or remorse, just cruelty and greed burned in them.

And then something on his left forearm caught her eye.

A grisly tattoo of a snake weaving through the boney mouth of a skull. Hollis's eyes widened in horror.

"Regulus, what?" she whispered, voice shaky and tearful.

Regulus smirked at her shock at his Dark Mark.

"Were you really ignorant enough to think that I hadn't already become a Death Eater?" he asked, advancing towards Hollis across the dark floors with an unnerving amount of speed.

"No," Hollis whispered again. "No, this isn't you Regulus."

Regulus sighed at her ignorance as Theodore joined him. 

"And are you even more ignorant to believe that you aren't mine, Hollis?" Theodore asked, reaching out and encircling the beck of her neck with his cold hands. "That you aren't going to continue the pureblood line?" he continued.

His face was an inch away from hers.

"That Lupin boy can't protect you this time, Hollis," Theodore whispered his eyes cruel and greedy as he looked down at her face.

With a forceful hand on the small of Hollis's shaking back, Theodore pulled Hollis closer to him until their bodies were completely pressed together.

And he kissed her.

.。*゚+.*.。   ゚+..。*゚+

A loud, heart wrenching sob woke up James, Sirius, Peter, and Remus from their messy table at the library. Several books toppled to the ground with loud thuds as Peter jerked up his head. The brass clock next to Sirius's Herbology notes said that it was two hours into February thirteenth. All four of them turned to Hollis, who had seemingly just woke up from a horrible, horrible dream.

There were enough tears rolling down her cheeks for her to have been crying for hours, ordinarily bright eyes empty except for fear. The loose notes that she had fallen asleep on were wet with salty, hot liquid, her hands were shaking uncontrollably on the table.

Without any hesitation, before Peter or Sirius or James, Hollis looked to Remus for help.

For help.

Finally, Remus thought as she easily leaned into his arms, her shoulders still shaking. Merlin, Hollis. Finally. 

Her teary eyes were pressed against his chest, creating two tiny wet patches on his brown t-shirt. Remus gripped her slightly trembling back firmly with his arms while one of his hands rested in her tangled hair. 

But what could she have possibly been dreaming about to get her this worked up? Lupin thought, shutting his eyes. What could be that bad?

The flickering, orange light illuminated the two with a soft glow. To both Hollis and Remus, the dim lighting made the rest of the library go away. No more nightmares, no more books and notes, no more anything.

It was just them.

Hollis's tears stopped, but the shaking didn't. Remus had thought that he was prepared to see her when she needed his help. He had thought that he would be ready to see Hollis in one of her worse states.

Remus was wrong.

With every tiny tremble, every drop from her breaking eyes, Remus felt like a thin, hot dagger was being driven into his chest. Was this why she was scared? he thought. Didn't she say she didn't want this to be a burden? His curiosity overwhelmed his desire to keep the silence.

"What happened?" he whispered to Hollis quietly.

She pulled away from him to look him in his deeply concerned, green eyes. "Just a nightmare, Remus. A really bad fucking nightmare."

It was the first time she had said his name or spoken directly to him in weeks. He had forgotten the tiny thrill that went through him when Hollis said something to him.

Remus silently accepted the small amount of vulnerability that Hollis had shared with him in silence.

But even as he tried to fall back asleep with Sirius and James, all he could hear was a singular, raw sob echoing endlessly in his head.

im literally so sorry if i scared u with that dream and u thought it was rly happening

1.1k words

BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE - REMUS LUPINWhere stories live. Discover now