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"god, marlene"

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"god, marlene"

Hollis sat down at her usual seat in the Great Hall on February twelfth next to Marlene with a smile. She had missed the chatter and fullness of the enormous room in the quiet, slightly lonely hospital wing. Marlene immediately attacked her with a huge hug, and Lily ran over to the other side of the table to do the same.

Hollis let a muffled laugh from inside their embraces, talking once she was finally let go.

"You saw me yesterday, you two," Hollis laughed once Marlene scooted back over to where her loaded plate was.

Lily took a sip of milk as she talked.

"Yea, but it's just different when you're actually here," she shrugged, handing Hollis the butter she was reaching for. "Hospital wing feels like I'm visiting my grandma."

Hollis raised her eyebrows and Marlene snorted a laugh. "You must have a pretty interesting grandma," Mckinnon muttered. 

Marlene eyed the pink heart garland that had been strung along the ceilings' hovering candles with amusement. "So, who's excited for Valentine's Day?" she asked, glancing between her two very single friends.

Lily smiled slightly and looked down at her hands.

"Gideon Prewett asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him," Lily told them, looking up with slight color in her cheeks.

Hollis and Marlene looked at each other with disbelief.

"Gideon Prewett, that sixth year Gryffindor?" Marlene clarified, and Lily nodded.

Hollis slammed down her cup in annoyance.

"I swear to Godric, Lily, ditch his undeserving ass and go with fucking James!" Hollis exclaimed, angry that her stubborn friend still hadn't given James a chance.

"Second that!" Marlene agreed, finishing off her pumpkin juice like it was a shot.

She looked dubiously at the two of them for a few seconds before rubbing her eyes.

"James Potter is an arrogant toerag that can go fly off on his precious broomstick forever," Lily firmly stated, ending the discussion.

Hollis sighed and shook her head before a thought occurred to her.

"Marlene, are you going somewhere with Sirius?" she asked, turning towards the blonde next to her.

Marlene blinked a few times, looking down at her food to gather up the energy to smile. "Yea, he promised to take me to Honeydukes and go eat all the candy with him in that park just outside of Hogsmeade."

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