chapter 14: Feelings and stars

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No one' S POV

A few minutes went by, in complete silence. The 5 boys, who were unsure of what to do, stood there, helpless to their case. The oldest of them then said:

"Look, I know we all care for Yoongi, but we should go sleep, this way we'll have a clear mind to look for him tomorrow."
4 small "yes" resonated from the group, then they one by one went upstairs to do their sleep routine, and sleep their problematic thoughts off. Hoseok went up the staircase first, opening the first door on the left, which led to his room. Jungkook then went second, he walked upstairs, then turned left and walked a bit to a door on the right, he opened it and closed it slowly, like he was guilty of doing so. Namjoon tiredly went up to the second floor, going straight then opening the door on the right, in front of him. Taehyung and Jimin were the last to go in their room, Jimin hesitating a bit.

"Come on, you heard Hobi Hyung, let's sleep and find him tomorrow."
A small grunt was then heard, then two pair of feet went to the second floor. They walked to the last door on the left and opened it swiftly, Taehyung closing it behind him. The household was fast asleep, the only noise they could hear was Jin's light sobbing, probably thinking of his feline friend who ran away.

Forward 4 hours

Even if he tried really hard, Namjoon couldn't get his occupied mind to rest, not only for 1 hour. He couldn't help but feel like shit. He had a huge weight on his chest, like something was blocking his airflow, which made it impossible for him to breathe. I can't believe it. Namjoon thought about the situation. He asked himself how they ended up like this. I didn't mean to ignore him. The more he thought about Yoongi, the more guilty he felt towards the kitten, who was probably scared to death outside. Does he hate us now? Will he come back? Words weren't enough to describe how bad he felt.

He decided he needed some air. Making his way to his wardrobe, he chose a navy coat made of synthetic sheep fur. He chose warm socks and his favorite boots to walk, who were black with an intriguing design. The small spirals were endless, like his worries right now. It fit his mood. Is he cold? Making his way downstairs, he took his keys, which were holding his mini Ryan figurine, his pack of keys and a small Paris tower Eiffel he received on his 18th birthday from his aunt who lived there. Namjoon made his way outside, locking the door behind him and double-checking it, a habit he had since he was young. Walking around town for a bit, he chose to go to the abandoned park on the side of the old cinema who wasn't in use anymore since it flooded 3 years ago, they left it as it was because of the high price of the damages. What a pity. Namjoon thought, this cinema was really old and it held a lot of memories for the young man.

Finally arriving at the park, he sat down on a wooden bench. The paint had worn off of it a long time ago.  He then looked at the clear sky, no clouds to block his view of the stars. He breathed in slowly, closed his eyes and breathed out. Here is Aquarius, oh, Aquila and Orion. He thought while looking at the constellations who were as clear as day from where he was.

"The Orion constellation is shining a lot tonight, don't you think?"


let's just ignore my reaaaally long pause ahahah
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Mila out!

Mila_Lovedor xxx

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