chapter 2: Yes! A pet!

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Taehyung's POV

He is so cute! I couldn't resist, I know Jin hyung said no cats but I really feel something for this little meow-meow. He seems....special? Kind of funny to think about that way, but his presence calms me, he feels warm and like home. Kim Taehyung, what? Stop those silly thoughts!


After a 10 minutes drive I finally get out of the car with Yoongi and we enter our house. (What am I kidding it's a mansion lol)
"Guys! Come here! We have a new member!" I hear a commotion in the stairs and see Jiminie come down first. He looks at me then at the cat, and squeals. Like a girl. It hurts my hears. He's got the highest pitch in the group and he's my roommate, no wonder his squeals are worst to my ears, I hear them all the time.
Yoongi's POV

Could that dumbass squeal louder? I'm sure i went deaf right now! " that Taehyung-ah?" A tall guy with large shoulders asks.

"Well... i know you said no cats... BUT....i really felt a connection towards Yoongi and-"
"His name is Yoongi? He's so cuteeeee" That small blond boy come running towards my cage with open arms, he is creepy... i make myself smaller, in hopes of him forgetting about me. Well it didnt work.
"Jimin leave the poor cat alone, can't you see he's scared?" A purple haired guy asks. "Ahh Namjoonie, I can't help it he's too cute!"
Namjoonie? His name is really namjoonie, he could be a humorist if he wanted to, ahahah!
"Taehyung is the cat sick? Why is it coughing so much? That wide soulders guy ask. "Well I dont know jin, he seemed fine a few minutes ago." Dumbass i'm just laughing.
"What the heck is happening here"
"Why the commotion?" Two guys suddenly enters. One looks like a bunny with his confused looks and the other is smilling too bright. My poor eyes.
"Taehyung brought another pet home, it's a kitty this time!" Jimin says.
Wait...another? Where are the others? What happened to them!? I dont want to die!! I start to move in my cage trying to escape but no luck today. Nobody notices me moving. Or so I thought. Maybe a little bit of luck is on my side.
"Looks like that cat wants to get out, let him explore Tae" That bunny faced man says. Thanks to the lord he lets me out and in a milli-second i'm out of this room.

This is how my first night here went, hiding and trying not to be transformed into cat soup.

Hello! Here is another chapter! Sorry it is short:/

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