Chapter 15: Exploring pt.1

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Autor's POV

Yesterday morning, 5 A.M

The sun shone down on Yoongi's peaceful-looking resting face. His features scrunched up as he woke up from his previous deep sleep, opening his eyelids slowly-

Wait. Eyelids?

His upper body jolted up as he looked in front of him. Slowly, he reached for his head. Indeed, he had normal human hair at the moment. The feline took a moment to understand what had happened during his sleep. He had switched bodies. Yoongi looked around as he recognized Seokjin's bedroom with its modernized furniture. His head automatically turned to the left and looked down as he felt something poke his side. There, sleeping without a care in the world, was his hyung. His nose was the source of the poking as he moved slightly to take up more space. His brown locks were tangled and his RJ pajama was unbutoned slightly. As he pondered over waking up his hyung or not, his stomach made a grumbling sound, indicating he was hungry.

Are the others home?

His ears listened attentively to the sounds around him. Birds were chirping loudly outside, the weather was cold but not enough for them to go hide for warmth. Yoongi focused more on the the interior sounds. As he heard nothing, he decided some human food would taste like paradise. He got up from the comfortable hold of Jin and went to the dresser. He opened it slowly, trying not to make the old doors creak. He looked inside, wondering which garment he would wear today. He decided on a white hoodie whose strings were missing.

It was worth the sacrifice, those were fun to play with.

He took some random jeans which were kind of too big on him since jin's proportions were not the same as his. The hoodie was easy to put on, simply just sliding it over his head, but Yoongi had a hard time putting on the jeans since he wasn't accustomed to wearing some. The first try was unsuccessful, having put them the wrong way. The second try was, contrary to the first one, a success. The young feline got out of his hyung's room and went down the stairs, his goal, the kitchen.

He arrived to the kitchen, going straight up to the grey refrigerator. He opened the door and looked at the all kind of foods there was in it. His eyes focused on some grapes, he decided it was gonna be his snack for for the day. He took the bag of grapes and a bowl out. The hybrid then put some grapes in his bowl until he was satisfied with the amount, and washed them 2 times under cold water. He made his way to the chairs next to the counter, pushed one then sat down and put his bowl down. He slowly ate the grapes, wondering what to do today.

Should I sleep? Nah I always do that. Maybe I should go explore town, yeahhhh great thinking Min.

Yoongi stood up and walked to the sink, putting his bowl in it. They'll just assume it's one of them who put it here. He thought with a shrug. The Kitty walked his way to the smallest window in the living room and opened it. He decided to shift to his original form, he preferred walking as a kitty and attracting attention than wearing the demon that people call shoes. He closed his eyes and in a mili-second, his body was back as the way it was born. He stretched his front paws, a small-like grunt sound emitting from his mouth. His feline eyes opened, he suddenly could hear every sound in the house, every cars passing by and even the sound of the wind coming from the opened window. He jumped outside of it gracefully, grateful to be outside again. He then made his way to where he thought the town was, His 4 paws softly hitting the ground as he took a stroll on the pavement, slowly going into the unknown direction. Even if the wind was cold, the Kitten didn't feel it because of his thick fur covering his slim body.

After a few minutes of thinking to himself about life and how a snail could sleep for about 3 years straight, his feline ears picked up on human voices. Yoongi's head looked up and he saw some shops here and there. He assumed he was in town already and picked up the pace to the first place he saw, a cafe called 'Sleepy Moon'. He looked left and right to go on the other side of the road, even if he was part cat he knew cars could crush him easily because of his small proportions, which led him to be almost invisible. After crossing the road, he went in front of the cafe's door, he tried to push it open, but he couldn't since, well, he was a cat. He stood in front of the shop and pawed on the door, hoping for somebody to be nice enough and let him in.

A small lady with brown hair who was passing by took pity on the kitten and opened the door for him, He went in happily. Slowly, he jumped on the counter where customers could see him. Some cooed at his small face and some continued on with their life, drinking and eating what they bought. Some worker which was behind the counter suddenly said something.

''Hey kitty, would you like some whipped cream? I'm afraid you can't have any chocolate though, most of our food is made of it.''

The kitty almost forgot he was one and started to nod, then stopped mid-way to meow to the worker. They took it as a sign that he said yes and brought him a cup with some whipped cream overflowing from it. They put it in front of Yoongi and he started to lick it right away.

''Y/N stop giving stray cats food and work!'' Someone from the back of the store shouted. ''Yeah boss sorry!'' They looked at the cat with a small smile and mouthed a 'sorry' then started working again. A little bit after 3 hours of spending his time in the cafe with the cute worker, Yoongi jumped on the floor and meowed so someone would open the door for him. A customer that was leaving took notice of him and let him go outside with a 'bye kitty'. He continued to walk, going in shops from time to time. He passed in front of a really familiar shop. It was where Tae bought him. He looked inside from the window he used to sleep at, he saw his old owner Lisa, sweeping the already clean floor. She seemed joyful like always, and Yoongi decided he didn't want to break her mood by entering the shop. He walked away after a few minutes and continued to walk around.

A few hours later, the sun fell down over the town and the sky turned an orange-pink colour. The kitten decided it was time to go home. He then went back on his way, trying to find the path back to his home. After 30 minutes of looking around the dark roads and lightened shops, he started to panic. In the day, he could've found his way back, but at night, the town seemed completely different. He ran around, headbutting people's leg gently to desesperatly try to ask his way back. They only thought he wanted pats on his head and Yoongi got angry. He walked away annoyed. This circle happened for an hour and he decided that tonight, he would sleep outside and find his way back in the morning. Next to a closed department store was a small alleyway with some trash around, but it was mostly clean. The feline walked to it, curled up in a corner and sleep took over him in no time.

He had no idea that an overly familiar person passed next to the alley, sobbing a little bit, going home defeatedly.

Time skip 5 hours, 2 A.M

Yoongi woke up tiredly by some people who passed by laughing hard. He was grumpy and sadness appeared over his face. He got up, deciding to go for a walk around. He passed dead trees and walked on some leaves. The sky was clear, he looked at the stars for a moment, then he closed his eyes, taking in the cold night air. To his right was a big building which seemed abandoned, it had not been taken care of. With a curious stare, he decided to go check it out. The kitten found a small path which he followed, it's probably been years since people walked here he thought as he saw the condition of the path. It was taken over by dead weed and dirt. After walking for not long, the way opened on a small park with a clogged fountain. It's probably not been working for years, does no one come here? Leaves crunched under his paws as he continued to explore. Suddenly, he heard a sigh coming from his left. He jumped. There's someone? His head automatically turned to the source of the noise. It was a man with brownish hair and he seemed tall. Those boots...I know them. It's Namjoon's! He went behind a tree and changed forms excitedly, the clothes from this morning still on his body. He walked silently behind him, his cat instincts making him walk like a ninja, He arrived behind the man. Woaw.. his features are beautiful under the moon.. What the heck Yoongi stop. Thinking of something to say, he stood there for a minute then said outloud:

"The Orion constellation is shining a lot tonight, don't you think?"

Helloooo pals! How ya'll doing?  Sorry sorry sorry for this really late update ahahah, I had so many exams (f  u science I'm talking about you) and as you can see this chapter is really long, and it's only part one. So please do not hesitate to shout after me in the comments for not updating and hope you enjoyed! Bye everyone!
Mila_Lovedor xxx

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