Chapter 16: Blue Hour

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This chapter is in 3rd POV, enjoy!

Getting out of his dreamery about stars, Namjoon heard it. A voice that was deep but really smooth, like a warm blanket on a cold winter night, providing all the warmth he'd need. He turned around, surprised by the presence of this person hiding his sitting figure from the full moon's white gleaming light. Who could be out at this time of the night? A small figure was looking at him, his features were hidden because of the night light shining on his back, but he seemed beautiful. Namjoon focused of every little details he saw. His short hair stopping just on top of his ears, the wide shirt who seemed to float on his upper body and even the small glow of his eyes, who looked feline, though, he saw familiarity in them.

'Who are you?' He asked, his eyes showing curiosity, although fear was also present at the back of his mind.
The small boy who's ears were flattened on his head, looked hesitant. Should I tell him? What will he think of me? 'Well...I just saw you on that bench and I.. thought? You seemed sad? So yeah, I just wanted to see if you were okay.' Namjoon chuckled, the noise he made disapeared with the small wind there was on this day. Saying nothing, the boy turned his head around and raised it to the sky, scooting over to the left side of the bench, a wordless invitation to come sit down and admire the stars with him. With a small smile adorning his cold lips, lone steps were heard as he made his way to the bench, next to who he considered his companion.

Sitting down, Yoongi released an almost inaudible sigh, finally realising how freezing it was. Next to him, a large but welcoming figure could be seen, seemingly lost in his thoughts. It was only after a brief moment that Namjoon felt a delicate weight on his right shoulder. His eyes followed the movement of his head, falling straight upon Yoongi's locks all over his arm, they seemed smooth like silk and if the boy didn't have a little bit of self control, he would've touched them. He told himself that the brightest star right now wasn't in the sky, but next to him, sleeping peacefully. It was only then that a small vibration started for the third time, the little feline was ice-cold, thus why he was cuddling the older's arm, seeking warmth. Namjoon didn't hesitate as he opened his coat which kept him warm since the very beginning of the night and pulled his friend into his hold. A calm feeling was sensed in the air. For the first time in 24 hours, the male felt the arms of Morphea welcoming him in a much needed slumber.

The older boy woke up with a numbness in his right leg, the cause of it was a cute male laying his head on it. He checked the time on his small watch, 4h15 a.m. Namjoon felt like the happiest boy in the world, and he didn't know why. Was it the fact that he was cuddling with a stranger? Or was it that if his suspicions were correct, the shy little boy laying on his lap right now was his missing kitten. It didn't take an idiot to figure it out really. Yoongi's pointy ears were moving from time to time, proof of a dream happening in his sub-conscious. His long tail was wrapped around his hyung's leg, emitting heat with the long fur made to keep warm in winter. If you listened very closely, a small purr could be heard, sign of happiness coming from the kitty. Namjoon loved how they were basically cuddling in an abandoned park, but they needed to go back home in fear of getting sick. He slowly got up, picking the light boy in his arms. Said kitty just unconsciously cuddled more in to the older male's chest, a content aura showing around him.
As they walked back to their home, Namjoon couldn't help but think that he would love to know more about their precious kitty's human side.

The sun was slowly getting up as the males went inside their house. It was 4h35, blue hour shining peacefully in the sky. In Namjoon's room, two people were busy cuddling under the covers. Calm was of reign in the chamber, small rays of sun starting to shine and deep sleepers were utterly comfortable, waiting for the next day.

Hues of blues in the midnight sky, thinking about us.

Hello! This chapter is for @cutesiren as she seems to be going through some hard times, please go send her love on her profile and see you next time.

Mila_Lovedor xxx

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