𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱.

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short chapter, not edited.

Trudence Nesanti Cole | Trudy
Englewood Mental Health Clinic, Chicago Illinois.


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" I know you and Von be fucking." I broke the awkward silence that was between me and Lucky. Making her take me off pause and stare at me with a confused look.

" I'm a virgin." She leaned her phone against her pillow." You a liar." I smirked correcting her.

" I get that you ain't want Booka and them knowing all y'all business, but bitch I'm yo whole ass best friend." I dropped my head getting in my feelings.

It had been a week going on two, since I had been inside of this fuck ass mental center. And being away from everybody I loved and cared about this long was beginning to take it's toll on me.

Especially being so far apart from Lucky.  We had always been so attached at the hip since preschool. So being all the way across town and out of her reach was making me feel so sick.

And I felt more sick knowing that I was in a building and sharing air with all these sixty third ass niggas and bitches.

" It's so poor in here Sekani." I sniffed drying my eyes. " I miss you."

" I miss you more." She pouted her lips.

" And I'm sorry for not telling you about me and Von being intimate.. I just wasn't ready at the time. And ever since we got back together we've been doing it like crazy." She shook her head smiling widely.

" Must be fucking nice." I said dryly.

" How're you feeling though?" She questioned. " Like mentally?"

" Drained." I said lowly. " Tired."

" And alone."

" I love you Trudy." She held her pinky against the camera making me do the same. " You're not in this alone."

" And as soon as they let you out Friday for the weekend, I'm gonna be the first one at the gates waiting for you."

" Can you bring a blunt? I been having the urge to smoke so bad."

" But your parole officer." She frowned.

" Girl fuck the system, they can't hold a bad bitch like me in here forever. I'll be free to be outside again real soon."

Another awkward silence fell over us. While the both of us just stared at each other waiting to see who would crack first.

" Crying first doesn't make you a crybaby." Lucky laughed drying her eyes off. Causing me to finally allow the tears I were holding back to fall freely.

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