𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞.

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edited BUT i'm blind so if something was fucked up i'll fix it later. so don't try and be a smart ass and correct me because i WILL mute you.

good day.

Sekani Anika Grace | Lucky
Chicago Illinois.


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" Aye Lucky?!"

" Lucky?!"

" Sekani?!"

Cutting up the volume to my headphones I continued walking down the sidewalk growing annoyed as Durk and Booka yelled out my name from behind me.

From out the corner of my eye I could see Trudy taking small glances at me which made me keep my gaze forward. In hopes that she didn't see where I was looking a second ago.

" Bitch?!" She stopped walking.

" Girl you don't hear them?" She took out one of her headphones.

" They calling you."

" And? I'm ignoring them."

" It's just Durk bitch." She rolled her eyes turning around walking towards them.

" I don't care if it was God." I shrugged.

" I'm ignoring them for a reason so can you keep walking ple—"

" I'm actually very close to God if you must know." Booka cleared his throat coming up.

" We the chosen ones." Durk smirked throwing his arm over Trudy's shoulder.

" Y'all ain't shit actually." She pushed him back. " Especially not you."

" Here you go assuming shit." He smacked his lips." Here you fucking go."

" We was having a good ass day before you came and opened yo damn mouth."

" Oh yeah?" She tossed her bag to the side.

" I wouldn't have to assume shit if you would quit fucking bitches behind my back Durk!"

" I ain't never fucked no bitches behind yo back Trudy!" He laughed.

" On my mama."

" Durk." I straight faced him.

" Quit lying on your mama like that."

" When you stop I'll stop." He ruffled my hair.

" I should've just fucked Tavares when he asked me to— I'm sorry bae!" She whined trying to pry his hands out her hair.

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