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" I wish I could believe you, then I'll be alright. But now everything you told me? Really don't apply. To the way, I feel inside, loving you was easy. Once upon a time, but now my suspicions of you? Have multiplied. And it's all, because you lied.



Sekani Anika Grace | Lucky
Weiss Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL

My mother always told me as a child, that when life gives you lemons? You're supposed to make lemonade. And try to make the best out of your situation, no matter how drastic, shitty, or bad that it's going? You're still supposed to smile, and act as if nothing is going wrong.

And for some people? That task comes off quite simple. Rather than for me? It isn't as easy as my mom likes to make it seem. Seeing that right now in this very moment? That I was laid against a hospital mattress.

With a numerous amount of cords and bandages attached to my arms, as well as my face. Causing me to keep my eyes shut tightly, so that I could avoid having to make eye contact with any of the nurses.

Who continued to come in and out of the room, constantly monitoring me. While questioning if I had felt any better? From the time when I had first gotten here.

" Lucky? Answer the doctors baby." My mama mumbled softly, as she sat against a chair that was placed towards the left of the bed. " Mm-mm." I shook my head side to side weakly.

Feeling a stray tear begin rolling down my face, due to the sharp pain that had shot up and down my back, from me moving out of my previous position.

" Lucky? Y-you've gotta communicate. And tell them if you're okay or not? Before you get home and you end up getting hurt or something again baby."

" She doesn't have to talk if she isn't ready ma'am. We just wanted to check her vitals again, and do one last ultrasound before she was discharged. And also if you don't mind me asking? Did she–well Miss?"

The nurse who had blonde hair, with a messy ponytail turned her attention towards me. As she smiled softly holding onto her clipboard, looking as if she were a bit nervous to ask me the question she had.

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