|𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝2| 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐎'𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤: 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞.

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not edited, excuse any mistakes.



" There's no more cloudy days, even when there's no light out. I feel your warm embrace, you love me with passion. When I'm in a race, you're like the anchor. And I am so glad you came, just right when I needed saving."


One month later.

" you are in the right place at the right time."

Sekani Anika Grace | Lucky
Chicago, IL.

How do you pick yourself back up, from being stuck inside of a hole, that was created for you to rot in. And rebuild everything all over, to start completely fresh. After you've been broken tremendously, beyond measure?

Because growing up as a child, my mama would always tell me–that with pain? Came wisdom. Along with the ability for you to be able to make a choice, on if you would rise up–using every last bit of strength you had? To overcome the storm.

Or if you would give up, allowing yourself to sink. Sulk, cry and drown? Inside the misery of the heartache that you were succumbed to.

And you see, just a few months ago–when everything inside of my life was going to shit. I honestly don't think that I'd ever, and when I say ever? I mean literally never, ever would I have thought to rise up.

While casting all of my cares, fears, stresses and worries? Completely behind me. But of course life along with God, for some unknown reason? Surely has a way of surprising you utterly–when you least expect it.

In the same exact way, that being in love? Also happens to do too. When you find yourself, being at the point–where you can forgive and forget, fully?

Without using past and hurtful problems? As leverage. To try and hurt or make your partner feel guilty. In the way, that I–myself? Would do an entire lot. Until the events of today had occurred.

Which caused everything that I once knew, held onto, and found myself being a bit angry with at often times? To diminish into the atmosphere, and far away from my mind? Completely.

Once the feel of my water breaking, while I was in the middle of attempting to do laundry? Had caused my entire to body to run hot. As I screamed and shouted for Dayvon, so that he could call the ambulance.

Along with my doctor and Kennedy–in case the baby had to decided to try and come far too soon, before we'd get the chance? To make it to the emergency room.

" I'm here Lucky! I'm here, I'm here, I'm her–oh my goodness, she's crowning!" Jerking back away from my body, once she made it around the corner to Von and I's bathroom.

Kennedy began struggling to pick up her cellphone, as she instructed Von to dig into the large black bag she brung. So that he could place on a pair of latex gloves and assist her with helping me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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