𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.

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not edited, excuse any mistakes.

Sekani Anika Grace | Lucky
Chicago, Illinois.
3 weeks later.

" I love my man."  I smiled happily pushing the Target cart down the soap aisle. Squinting my eyes up at the top shelf, trying to see if the Dr.Bronners brand that I wanted was back in stock.

" I love how much he cares about me.. and how patient he is. And how he never lies or breaks his promi—"

" I started to say something hateful just then, but I forgot that Von and his goldie loc bug eyed having ass sidekick. Are two completely different individuals."

Trudy shook her head laughing bitterly placing one of the Dr.Bronners soaps I wanted into the cart.

" Thank you."

" Mhm, you welcome stink and why you wanna use that strong ass stuff anyway? I heard after you use it, it'll make yo ass hole feel all minty and shit."

" My mama said I should try it because it's good for all kind's of stuff. Like you can use it on your skin of course, and to wash dishes, or do laundr—"

" And you wanna use that on your body? A soap that can clean other shit that's not your skin?" She twisted her lips up.

" Yes." I answered, pushing the cart towards the direction of self check out.

I honestly don't even know why I got a basket in the first place, knowing that I had only came in here to get one thing. But then again this was Target, so me doing stuff like that inside here was considered normal.

" You should've used one of these lil hand held baskets instead hoe!"

She picked one up slinging it on her shoulder causing me to tuck in my lips as I stared at her with a blank expression.

" This is Target sweetie.. not Wal-Mart."

I took the basket away from her placing it back in it's correct spot. Before I scanned my soap and raised my phone above the screen. So that I could checkout using Apple pay.

"You don't think I know this is Target and not ghetto ass Wal-Mart?" She asked loudly scrunching her face up.

" Clearly not, since I had to remind you where we were honey." I grabbed my bag and receipt, walking towards the exit with her following behind me closely.

"I should've wore a better jacket." I held my arms together as a gust of cold wind blew against us. Once we walked outside the store doors and began approaching Trudy's truck.

" It feels good out here to me bitch you're tripping." She pulled out the keys shaking her head before stopping in her tracks.

Starting to glance all around the parking lot, while I stood with my arms crossed looking confused behind her.

" What's wrong? Did you drop some—"

" Look at my fucking truck Sekani.." She said lowly clenching her fist.

" I'm looking at it Trudy and I don't see any—" She turned my face towards the right making my jaw drop in disbelief.

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