𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧.

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not edited excuse any mistakes.

Sekani Anika Grace | Lucky
Chicago, Illinois.

" You're still coming by the house this evening right toot? We've got some stuff for you and the baby over here. And I'd love to see you and that cute little belly up close in person."

Von's mama said cheerfully as we were on the phone." I'm not sure." I said dryly glancing up from the screen.

As I walked through the campus parking lot towards Trudy's truck. " Why not?"

She asked sounding a bit sad, causing me to pinch the bridge of my nose.

And suck in a deep breath once I felt the baby start to move around a bit while kicking me in the process.

" Did umm.. did Dayvon tell you about us breaking up?" I questioned putting my face back into the camera.

" You look like you in pain." Trudy came towards the passenger side helping me get into the truck.

" Maybe it's because I am?" I found myself snapping on her accidentally.

Which caused her to pause her movements and start looking at me like I was crazy.

" Sorry." I apologized, turning my head away from her after. " I'm sorry Tru."

" Mhm." She hummed waving me off as she got into the drivers seat and pulled off.

" Don't let that shit happen again or you gone be getting in this bitch on yo own next time."

Today was Thanksgiving, and as much as I wanted to be happy and in good spirits like everyone else was around me?

I just couldn't bring myself to shake away the feeling of sadness and anger that was currently coursing throughout my entire body.

Dayvon had gotten out of jail on bond four days ago. And the first thing he decided to do once he got home?

Was to go and be around the bitch who had got him sent to jail in the first place.

And I just couldn't believe it when I first found out about it. Because it didn't seem like something he would do.

Especially not to me.

But of course apparently I was wrong.

Because the two of them were supposedly together now. And the thought alone had made me so sick to my stomach?

That I couldn't even look at any pictures of him. Without feeling like I was going to throw up.

" No.. he didn't tell me that at all."

His mama frowned her face up staring at me with an apologetic look inside of her eyes.

" I bet his sorry ass didn't!" Trudy yelled shaking her head back and forth.

" But that's okay." She laughed clenching the steering wheel. "He'll get his later."

" That's still my son Trudence."

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