𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐧.

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not edited excuse any mistakes.

Sekani Anika Grace | Lucky
Chicago, Illinois.


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" If Kayla paperclip built ass post another subliminal about you, I'm beating her ass Lucky. I'm not finna sit around while she talks about you and Von's situation when she barely know shit about it!"

" Or let alone what really went the fuck down."

Trudy ranted on and on while walking back and forth around my bed.

Three weeks had passed by following the situation when Von had broken up with me. And since then Kayla had been bashing me the entire time when I hadn't done anything wrong.

Especially not to her.

As far as I knew, Von was the one that decided he wanted to leave due to him feeling like he wasn't happy here anymore. It had nothing to do with me at all which was beginning to grow very tiring.

Because here I was out the way minding my own business getting talked about like a dog. As if I went out and cheated when that wasn't even the case.

And all of it was beginning to take a toll on me, slowly but surely.

" I don't know what I could've did that was so wrong Trudy." I finally spoke.

"You ain't do anything they just being fucking dumb, especially Von's slow ass." She continued to go off.

" And as much as you probably don't wanna here this, you can love someone with your entire heart. But sometimes mfs just can't see or feel that." She said softly while using her jacket sleeve to dry my face free of the fresh tears that had fallen from out of my eyes.

" It just hurts more because I know he see's what Kayla has been saying about me, so the fact that he hasn't checked her about it is eating me up." I sighed laying my head on her shoulder.

" And I was going to try and talk with his mom to ask for help, until I realized that if he wanted to be here with me he would. And I don't want anyone looking at me like I'm crazy for trying to make a grown ass man stay or understand me."

" Fuck him, fuck all them." Trudy balled up her face getting mad again.

" You don't need his ass anyway, because you got me."

" And me!" Kennedy's voice echoed from her phone making me tilt my head towards the side.

" You've had her on the phone this entire time?" I asked shockingly.

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