|𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝2| 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐎'𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤: 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞.

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Call me like you can't suppress memories of me. Call me like you got confessions queued up, like your last bitch looking chewed up baby. Call me like you don't regret missing this old thing back, call me. When you know the difference, between me and chicken's.




One month later, at a Health and Wellness Retreat Resort overseas...


Sekani Anika Grace | Lucky
San Jose, Costa Rica.

" It's hotter than your daddy's breath? Out here Lucky, oh my Goddd!" My mama complained loudly from behind me, pushing her suitcase and carry on bag, on one of those big, golden cart basket things.

That hotels would always keep out in the lobby, near the entrance. For anyone who happened to have lots of bags, like my mom and I, but more so mainly? Like my mom did.

" Shh." I nudged the side of her arm with my elbow, continuing to push the cart that had all of my bags and belongings inside of it.

" We are in public."

" Girl, leave me alone here? And hurry up and show me where my room is. So I can squeeze myself in a quick nap? Before we go do any of the activities that you signed us up for."

" A nap?" I laughed. " There's not enough time for you to have a nap mama. Because the first activity I signed us up for? Starts in two hours."

" Exactly! And two hours? Gives me more than enough time to squeeze in a nap. So I can rest my eyes and body, after that long, uncomfortable ass flight? We just had."

" Girl, the flight wasn't even that bad." I laughed a second time, using the keycard that the lady behind the front desk had given me. To unlock and open up the hotel room door, that was reserved for my mom.

Being that apparently, before our trip? She had been very vocal and adamant about how she'd rather have her own space, to herself. So if just by chance, I had gotten a call from Dayvon while we were away? That she'd be free from having to hear his voice.

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