chapter 9

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"This year's school festival theme is; this!! (reborn: Seika high school)" exclaimed Misaki enthusiastically " a new life in Seika high! this is the best opportunity to improve our school's image!"

"I wonder about that..." mumbles Yukimura.

as she goes on about how it's a great theme, everyone else around seemed skeptical about the idea.

' I'm a little sleepy.....' I thought to myself deciding to take a nap in my position near the window as I tried to drown out all the noises around me.

"I want to stop belly dancing..." declared the boy who was belly dancing this morning once class2-2 entered the classroom.

I snickered a little with my eyes closed at the reminder of this morning's events when Misaki locked him up for scaring the girls to reflect.

at the time, When they spotted me snorting in the corner, they didn't hesitate and asked me to free him.

Despite trying to keep it low-key, it was inevitable to be noticed especially that I hang around the school council president, but I earned the nickname of ' the devil's pacifier ' at some point.
The reason for that is pretty obvious as Misaki is notorious for her short temper and misandrist attitude, and of course, like the good person and friend I am, I try to help her think rationally and make better decisions.

it was quite the regular occurrence.

And So, I declined and gave them the best advice they could get around here

"Why not just reflect and behave? Isn't that why he's there in the first place?"
To which they just agonized and went back to looking for a way to free their miserable friend.

Men really can't just own up to or learn from their mistakes. Sigh~

Every time I find fault in how harsh Misaki treats them, they do yet again something worse and I suddenly turn apathetic.

after that, they continued giving prez shitty ideas to which she continued to reject because of how inappropriate they were, and honestly, I agree.

these boys were giving ideas that only suited their taste without giving consideration to what the girls think and want.

I understand that they simply want to have fun but will it really be fun if the rest of the group is scared and uncomfortable.

what the hell is strip rock and paper? ugh, these childish suggestions, really...

but I can see, or hope that, they mean no harm and just need to be educated and talked to rationally. which is what Misaki is failing to do right now since she is treating them like brainless animals.

anyway, I'm starting to overthink this when I obviously have nothing to do with all this as I am not a part of the committee, I am not obliged to.

usually, I wouldn't interfere but their rising voices are getting irritating and if I don't the outcome of all this will only leave a bitter taste in my mouth.


as their bickering got louder the previous buzzing in my head turned into a headache and my irritation grew.

these people need to tone it down before it gets even more heated for such a pointless argument.

sucking in an exasperated breath due to the growing headache I finally decided to leave and take a nap somewhere quiet.

but before I go, I had to give one last piece of advice.

"Alright," my voice seemed to ring louder across the room due to my sudden interference and the irritation it contained. I got up from my chair and went around the table I was laying on.

𝓘 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝔂𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮  (maid-Sama fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now