chapter 8

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^ Ruri's usual appearance at maid latte^

" Misaki, are you sure you're fine? "asked chief for the second time looking worried.

I had finished the student council work and then headed to maid-latte to find Misaki already there and preparing to start working, so for the first time, I asked chief if they needed any extra hands. she looked at me in shock and disbelief, and after a bit of panicking asking me if I was sick, she accepted gladly before I retracted my offer. I have to say I was a bit offended, but then again she is the one who usually asks(begs) me to help.

"I feel a bit suffocated and stuffy" answered Misaki coughing a bit.

"it's okay though, I can work"

when I got there I also noticed how Misaki didn't look okay, she seemed sick, even though I made sure that her workload wouldn't bother her. she probably caught a cold.

" you can go home y'know, there are enough people to take care of the costumers" suggest chief looking worried.

" no it's fine, I'll just take a break and go outside for a breath of air." said Misaki, breathing heavily, making me more concerned so I decided to tag along and make sure she gets better.

"I'll come too"

as we went to the back, she leaned on the door letting out a sigh as if she just resurfaced from underwater looking a bit better, while I leaned casually on the wall with my arms crossed watching her and assessing her condition.

"you should rest more" I advised her looking at her flushed face

"I know, it's just... I feel like I'm halfway doing everything...ahh, I'm not feeling too well" she said looking ahead.

"that's because you think that you need to do every thing on your own when it's fine to sometimes depend on others." I told her, hoping that she would understand that it's okay to trust people more and depend on them sometimes.

Suddenly, out of nowhere came an annoying call

" aree~? isn't that the prez?"

" wow, it really is."

' here comes the three idiots' I sighed inwardly.

"seriously? a maid?"

"This is hilarious"

" absolutely, so much I'm rolling on the floor " I said sarcastically in a bored tone interrupting them.

I know this is a major turning point for them, but in my current position, it's starting to affect my mood.

" HUH? " idiot 1, probably not getting the joke.

" Listen I know your life is a joke, but that doesn't make you funny" I smiled feigning sympathy.

"wh-what? you.....!" idiot 2

I was now blocking Misaki who had turned the other way a while ago to distract them from her.

but it seems it did not last long, as they took out their phones telling me to step aside, bragging about how they were going to expose her to the whole school.

then as Misaki tried to walk away, an idiot went after her and tried to grab her hand.

but fortunately, I moved faster and grabbed his instead squeezing it hard as he whimpered falling to the ground.

"it's illegal to take someone's picture without their consent you know." I said, now staring at them with a blank face.


suddenly, one of them charged at me in an attempt to free their hopeless friend from my death grip, to which he received a kick sending him face-first to the ground.

"And so is harassment."

seeing his friend's fallen figure, the blondie looked up at me terror evident on his face.

" y-who..!!" this is starting to get boring.

"ok, I've had enough, you're just wasting my time I still have work to do."

"this time I'm gonna let you off with just a warning, but try something like that again and I'll make sure your lineage stops with you." I glanced at his glory with my finishing words, an evil smirk made its way on my face.

as my words sink in, they shivered then quickly sprang to their feet making a run for it while stumbling on their feet

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as my words sink in, they shivered then quickly sprang to their feet making a run for it while stumbling on their feet.

I sighted my body drained already,  which is comparatively weird because I could go days without rest before I collapse.

"wow, I guess I'm not needed here huh" I heard a voice from behind say, and low and behold it's Usui Takumi himself gracing us with his presence.

I only glanced at him approaching Misaki to check on her "are you alright?" I asked to which she answered she was fine before she collapsed in my arms.

I sighted once again since she keeps denying that she's sick and then leaned her body against my own, her hand around my shoulder as I carefully dragged her inside so we can take her home.

"wait." takumi called and as I stopped in my tracks, I felt something being dropped around our shoulders.

I looked to find it was a soft and warm blue scarf. I smiled a little to myself thinking it was cute.

then before going in, I took one last glance at Takumi.

"thank you for coming to check on her, and don't worry I'll take care of her ." I said finally going inside to be swarmed by everyone once they saw Misaki unconscious in my arms.

after dropping Misaki off at home and making sure she takes her meds and rested, I went back to my place for today since I had more work to do.

ughh, I'm so fucking tired.

these past few days have been too long...


gokigenyo minna-sama!

I hope that you are well and fighting.

yes unfortunately this is all for this chapter I just- yeah that's all I got for now.

Ah well no one cares anyways
( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ sigh~

ah! and I'm gonna try to put memes at the end of every chapter so go check out the previous two if u want

Ok dja nee♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡

Ok dja nee♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡💜

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