chapter 1

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I'm shocked..
I really didn't expect this.
I mean I always joked about wishing to get reincarnated and how 'imma live my best life then unlike my previous worthless one'
But I never thought it would actually happen!!
Honestly, who would tho?

You get where this is going right?

But let's start by introducing myself first shall we *ahem* *ahem*

Hi! my name is Rene Harlow, and my life is kinda crazy .... NOT.

The truth is my life is the most pathetic thing you'll ever see.
Sure, that's what almost every protagonist says. But believe me when I tell you I'm no heroine.

I never had a life goal other than surviving.
Had a family, but they never cared about anything about my life other than providing me with life necessities. And so I never dared to ask for much other than that.
Believe me when I say I'm grateful, but I really would have been happy if they gave me just a spec of their attention.
But I guess that's too much to ask for, so I never did and distanced myself.
My life was pretty average I guess.
My grades were average, enough to get me through school and into college then landing me an office job with enough wage to pay off my rent and daily life requirements.
My appearance? I'm just average.

Skinny (not really)

Brown hair


My only past time was surfing the net *cough*ticktock *cough* (figures haha)
And of course, I was a weeb.
Watched anime, read manga, novels, etc, etc (cliche shit)
And of course, my life had to end in the most expected way,
By my dear truck-san...*sigh*
In my last seconds I didn't see anything nor did I feel anything,
At first, it was dark then I found myself in a bright endless space

'is this heaven?'

 Just as I thought that a deep voice answered me instantly
"Not really, this is actually the orientation department/space"

'Wow so this is what happens after you die'
I thought as I looked around trying to locate the origin of this voice
"Huh.." turning around as I heard a surprised response, I found a young bishounen standing in front of me, he looked like he was in his early twenties with shiny white hair, golden eyes, and perfect features.
'you know what? I think I could hang here for a while'

"Hey! Did you not hear what I just said !? This is the orientation department you can't stay here, and why are you so calm?... You're dead you know." Said the pretty boy with a surprised tone.

'I know'
''...  usually, people would freak out and make a fuss about how they have so many things to do and the people they miss'' he said looking at me in disbelief as he pulled what looked like a file out of nowhere.

Well, he is right. most people would. but I have nothing to miss, my life wasn't worth mourning for.
'I simply have nothing of the sort' I answered flatly.

"Yeah, I can see that .." Said the pretty boy as he scanned through what I assumed to be my information.

'*Sigh* another weird one I guess'
I heard him mumble something but I didn't bother to make out what he said

"And that is probably why you're here." he said lifting his head and gazed at me emotionlessly

'What do you mean?'

"You see for most people, when they die they go straight to either heaven or hell, depends on how many good deeds, sins they commit, and just life choices in general. But sometimes there are exceptions. where people, like yourself, had a short meaningless and Blanc life, there are others who just get favored, but that's beside the point ''

𝓘 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝔂𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮  (maid-Sama fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now