chapter 6

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entering Seika High when I was 14 years old, now I'm 15, you may be wondering how since you only start high school at 15 years, well the answer is quite simple, it's because I'm a genius of course.

I already graduated long ago so this is only for fun and so that I could watch over Misaki and maybe even help in her growth.

fortunately, I got to be in the same class as Misaki. what a coincidence, huh (not).

of course, I coordinated the whole thing. 'hurray, to abuse of authority!' of course, even the principal doesn't know who I really am just that I'm some big shot's daughter, but of course, I threate-- convinced him to keep it to himself.

anyway, nothing much happened since last year, I kept to myself and didn't talk much, didn't bother to make friends, and disguised myself so as to not draw any unnecessary attention since I know my beauty can be blinding( definitely not bragging).

what is this disguise you ask well it's not really much it's just a pair of glasses and a dark brown wig (of high quality of course).

of course, Misa questioned it but I quickly dismissed it saying " I just don't like attracting attention, it's too bothersome, especially as a foreigner" and she didn't mention it again.

what did happen through the year though, is that I became good friends with Misaki, dare I say, maybe even best friends since I'm the only one at school that knows her secret. She also introduced me to Sakura and Shizunu, they're the only other friends I have besides Misaki, no actually there are a couple of student council members I'm friendly as well.

I also became a regular guest at the Ayuzawa household and became friends with Suzuna. she's always so chill and funny, I love her. I met their mom too, of course, she's so welcoming and nice, I'm still not sure how to convince them to let me help with their debt though I would love to just take care of it all by myself but we know that is out of the question.

I still go to maid-latte, although mostly as just a bystander but sometimes I help out when needed. it seems that they don't mind taking advantage of my services every chance they get through my weaknesses aka sweets and chief's pitiful eyes. sigh~

my new business is going great ( obviously) since I've put great effort into it to lead it to perfection and my clothing line is trending. nobody knows I'm the one behind and some people are starting to wonder but, of course, nobody suspected me of it.

today I went to school alone since Misaki goes there way too early for my preference. honestly, I can't be bothered to deal with humans that early, I really don't understand how she can take so many social interactions in one day. well to tell you the truth, I slept in and missed first period. you can't judge me ok, I stayed up really late working yesterday night.

as I was casually strolling down the halls looking for Misaki so we can get to next class together, I heard a crying voice getting fainter by the second, and then Misa's booming one scolding another boy as usual, I assume.

since I was bored I thought 'Why not enjoy watching another person's misery'.

y'know, one of my latest hobbies, is watching Misaki scold students and drawing their lifeless figures, it's quite fun actually( thank you MJ for the brilliant idea). she also slandered me for it a couple of times but eventually gave up since I can be quite stubborn when I feel like it.

anyway, once I arrived there Misaki had already left.

'What a shame, I missed it....meh'

"how many times has she told me that?" said the one and only Usui

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