Chapter 5

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' Wah~ I'm tired'
I thought on my way back to the hotel while stretching my limbs.

After all, I'm not really used to being nice for so long.

"My cheeks kinda hurt from smiling so much." I mumbled rubbing my poor cheeks.

I'm exhausted, I'll take a long relaxing bath when I get to the hotel and order room service.

Spacing out as I walked, I suddenly Heard a screech from not so far away.
Looking over by impulse, I saw a girl getting harassed by some, may I say, unattractive men.

How persistent. Why can't men take no for an answer?

'disgusting. Tsk.'

I wonder if I should go over and help her or just wait until some knight in shining armor comes in and saves her.

As I thought so one of the men grabbed her hand and pulled her to himself to which in a desperate attempt to save herself the woman punched herself away with all her might surprising the man resulting in her falling to the ground and landing on her butt roughly.

So I decided it was about time I helped.
I  headed over and crouched beside her asking her how she was and helping her up.

"would you look at that another pretty one, how about you come play with us too huh?" one of them stupidly suggests while checking me out.
" no." I flatly replied without even sparing them a glance while focusing on the woman and making sure she was alright.

"I'm sure you would like to go back home too, right miss?" I said to the still bewildered and scared miss who nodded her head repeatedly.

Poor girl, I hope she's not traumatized by this.

Obviously, the men didn't take nicely to me ignoring them completely.
"how dare you ignore us. This bitch! "
One of them gritted his teeth and then extended his hand trying to pull me to him with another man approaching the miss with teary eyes.

But before his hand could touch me it was snatched and the next second he was flipped on his back.

Turning around I saw golden brown eyes shining with rage through short black hair framing her frowning face.

oh yeah, you guessed it; it's the mc, the one, the only: ayuzawa Misaki!!!

I am being too dramatic, sorry.

but wow, I can't believe I'm meeting her already, actually, the chance of me ever meeting her was very slim so the more realistic conclusion would be that we would never meet, but guess what! it's an anime world.
how exciting.

"These scumbags.... what are you trying to do to these ladies!" said Misaki glaring at the stunned men.

right, let's deal with this situation first then meet Misaki later.

"How dare you attack our friend like that, man you're gonna get it!" said one of them as they snapped out of it.

good, it seems that they have given up on hooking up with us and are now focused on........... restoring their damaged pride, I guess. 

as two of them went for her, I decided to guide the woman out of harm's way so that they wouldn't accidentally hurt her.

"Hey! where do you think you're going?!" said one of them swinging an arm in my direction which I caught easily then I swiftly kicked him in the balls making him tumble to the ground clutching his crotch and groaning.

at least they knew to go for me and not the lady who is terrified and can not fight them.

then another man who was behind the man I kicked tried to knock me off my feet so I avoided his attempt and punched him unconscious.

𝓘 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝔂𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮  (maid-Sama fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now