chapter 2 part 1

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Age:8 months

my life so far has been awsome. just GREAT.

sense the sarcasm there yet?

but it made me realise something. ever wonder why you remember nothing of your first months of living?

well i belive the answer is the trauma it could cause you if you did.

as a newborn child, the only source of nutrition you have is your mom's breast milk. which meant that i had to s-suck on her t-t-ti---.eugh... i don't wanna talk about it.

not only that but also having zero control over my own body.

which means me constantly shitting and pissing myself with no warning then being manhandeled and cleaned up. then you have the fevers and the gas, since i'm still developping an immune system.

no wonder kids are always so angry.

being an adult in a child's body really adds to my misery.

have you any idea how embarrasing it is for me to go through all that stuff. of course you don't.

it's also very boring since all i do is eat and sleep, although i do love sleeping for long hours on end with no interruption.

on the bright side though i've learned to walk and finally trained my mouth to talk, although not perfectly of course.

it seems to be unusual though for my age to be able to do all this, well what can you do, i can't just do nothing when i can.

Age: 2 years old

things have gotten better for me so far since i now can do things for myself more freely. i'm also now potty trained and no longer shit myself uncontrollebly, so yay to that too.

they also give me better food now although not that great, but it's definetly better than that disgusting, mashed, baby food.

anyway, during the past year, while exploring the house, i found a big library with lots of intesting books. so i'd sneak there sometimes and read secretly since kids my age don't even know alphabet yet. although, thankfully it didn't have to stay a secret for long, since this is the 20th century (i think, i'm not really sure what year this is since evey time i look it would be 2 with xes bhind it) there is tv and they always put on those sing-a-song learning shows for me which i find annoying but atleast they helped make me seem more normal...ehh.. to an extent?

since they found out that i can read already they started calling me a genius and a prodigy and they brought me a tutor when i asked for one.

i've also discouverd through time and reading that i'm actually smarter than i used to be, not because of having a past life but it appears that the intellectual capacity and speed of understanding that this body has exeeds my past one.

hohoho, how i have great plans for this life.

Age: 5 years old

knowledge is power as we all know, so it was the first thing that i pursued espesially after finding out that i'm smarter than the average person.i also enjoy reading and making stuff so that's also why i do it.

as i said, knowledge is more powerful than money. although it seems that i have both. through the time i've been here i found out that my family is actually rich. so we live pretty comfortably, or even, dare i say, luxuriously. so anything i ask for, my doting parents provide. don't get me wrong, i haven't turned into one of those snobbich, picky, spoilt children that throw tantrums without reason. i'm still the boring, sarcastic, lazy but hardworking office lady who likes to make money. so all i ever ask for is either a tutor to a specific subject or some type of food that i feel like eating.

oh how much i love my silver spoon.

by the way i'm already almost done with high school level studies.

altough i encountered some difficulties when this happend, since some tutor suggested that i be admitted to some genius kids' school, whish i immediately refused when confrunted with the idea.

of course they tried to convince me so i had to shamelessly pull the you-dont-love-me-anymore-thats-why-youre-sending-me-away card to gain their sympathy and guilt them into letting me continue my studies at home. i'm definetly not going to deal with school again for as long as i can. and a guiniouses school at that. hell no. i don't want to attract any unnecessary attention. because with attention comes a great burden i don't want to carry. that is expectations.this burden crushed me once and i do 't want that to happen again.

anyway, they even got me a new theacher to teach me dancing and piano. she's a nice obaa-san. she's japenese that's why i call her that.

oh and if you're wondering, yes, of course i asked her to also teach me japenese. what weeb woulden't grab the chance to learn more about the home of their obsession.
I'm sooooo sorry for the delay I was facing some problems with this chapter and that's also why it's 2parts.
Next part will be up soon !promise!.....
hell_s_gate «------- my sister's profile aka my cowriter

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