chap2: p2

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Age 7 years old:

so apparently, i have a pretty decent voice according to obaa-san.

i've also practically mastered the piano, if i do say so myself. i'm pretty good at dancing too, both the classic dance ballet and some others, which i started about a year or two ago out of boredom. and my japenese is good too, now whenever obaa-san comes here we talk in japenese most of the time.

i've also decided a couple years back to start trying diffrent sports to emprove my phisique. you know what they say a sound mind in a sound body. so training my mind alone is not enough, i need to be strong in every aspect so i can face life head on confedinetly.

anyway, lately i've noticed that my dad is rather stressed and busy with work and spends more time at his office than usual. and espesially with the new addition to our family on the way.

oh yeah, my mom is with a child, by the way.

and, coincedently, i've been thinking about going to his office for a while now to know exactly what was keeping him so busy.

so i guess since he's stressed; something concerning must've happened, so why not check.

my dad usually goes early to work, especially since of late, so i woke up early one day and asked to go with him which he happily accepted saying " my cute angel must have been worried about dad so much, to even come with me to work".

as we arrived at the company, i noted the many people running around in a frenzy, looking rather buzy and tired.

then as we arrived at dad's office, he told me to sit on his chair and then went to talk with his assistant at the door. meanwhile, i went through his desk trying to find a clue on what's happend that made things this way. then, i would try to find a solution before the situation truns critical.

' it's more serious than i anticipated'

i thought as i found the blueprints for the company's newest product. oh, yeah, our company is a tech company. how convinient, since my major in college was engineering. i know i said i was an office lady,well that was only because i didn't get the chance to do engeneiring so thankfully i had taken buisness as a sub-major now that I think about it my parents are probebly cursing at me for leaving them with a huge debt, oh how much I regretted getting a loan just to study a bunch of bullshit then ending up as a simple office lady with minimom wage. no shade.

but I finally got put all that bullshit to use.

back to the main subject, the blueprints are messed up, they're i move on to the other things on the table to make sure everything else is fine, i found reports about the materials that were supposed to be used in the production.after picking them up and examening them I realized that they were cheap quality using this could completely shatter the use value of the product to be. and accourding to the receipt of the order this isn't even the right version of what was ordered.

' what the hell, dad coulden't have made this many mistakes.his father might have started it but it only go were it is today is completely thanks to mom and dad's work,they have been running this company for a long time, so how could have this slipped past him?'

he probebly knows about this by now but cant find the loop-hole that could lead to the perpetraiter yet, it's obviously an inside job someone must have been scheeming this for a long time.

as much as dad acts like a naive softie, that's only when he's especially with his family, but when it comes to work he is very smart and perceptive.

so because of all these mistackes, the company has been getting complaints from almost every department.

so how to fix this...?

first let's tell dad slowly so he dosen't freak out.

" daddy.....




you're in deep shit"

well that didn't go accourding to plan.

"bunny?!! where did you learn such words?!" dad said surprised at my choice of words, with his assistant gaping at me behind father.

"is that seriously what you should be conserned about right now ?!" i dedpaned trying to bring attention to the actual problem " *sigh* anyway,I can see the blueprints are messed up and so are the finances"

"honey, do you enjoy reading those? do you wanna see more?" said dad with sparkeling eyes.

damn, old man, you really trynna take advantage of the situation huh? don't worry though, i'll help anyway, it's been getting more and more boring around.

'do I even have a choice.' I mumbled to myself then answered "sure." and asked for other papers to go through.

"so what do you think?" asked dad with a worried expression.

"as i already said; we're in deep shit. but it does't mean it's unfixabale thankfully we haven't gone into manufacturing yet and as we have receipts we can always sue the company that sold us these worthless materials for their money." i said after a moment of looking at the documents laying in front of me.

i then turned to dad with an innocent smile and said " you can leave this to me and go take a rest for now daddy."

" so who drew this? and is he here now?" i asked with a mischivious smile adorning my face.



sorry but it's gonna be a 3 part chapter

I'm too lazy to actually write it in 1 sitting.

I apologize I keep delaying it . but thanks to everyone who is actually reading this💜.

love y'all😚

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