rose thorns ;

1.9K 25 1

park chaewan; loona

wc - 1.3k

requested - no

warning - blood, pills


You woke up after you felt like you were drowning, but it felt too real when your hair was wet drenched with water. The tiny strands sticking to your forehead, your hand combed through it as you rose up. Everything was sore.

It seemed you were on the floor, it's tile freezing you up. There was a window on a wall that let in some light while the whole room was dim to a matte black. Stretching up, you cringed as a cold shock ran up your spine from your bare feet.

Your eyes began to adjust to the darkness but to only see the room was empty, only a door and the mentioned window present. At will, you opened it.

The place was beautiful, a garden of Eden. Pastel flowers grew in abundance filling up every unit of ground. You walked on a stone path, the only place clear from the eye-catching nature. As a florist yourself you were in pure amazement.

Like the world had stopped, you took your time. It was all peaceful as you could hear the distant singing of birds in the cherry blossom trees that surrounded you. Contentness riddled your bones as your smile reached ear to ear.

Interrupting the moment, you hear the clicking of shoes. It tapped itself against the stone in rhythm like they were skipping. After having a hard time tearing your eyes from the scenery, you looked towards the sound to spot a girl.

She was quite short, but you couldn't laugh because you weren't much taller. The girl felt so familiar to you but you couldn't place a finger on it. She was cute though, wearing a flower dress that matched the ones that were planted around you.

Once in front of you, she smiled without meaning and your heart fluttered. It didn't feel right.

Grabbing your hands, she placed a pretty rose into your right palm. You didn't mind the thorns that poked at your skin, focusing on its vibrant petals. Her hands held onto your left hand, but you felt paralyzed. Like electricity shooting through your veins. Your body could not budge away from her.

Your face could still move along with your neck, so you stared into her eyes. The smile from before vanished replaced one that was brighter yet struck chills down your spine. You called it sinister.

A crumbling feeling disturbed your frozen hand. The flower was rotting, disappearing to dust in your palm, but you couldn't not look at it. The breath in your chest was rapid, very similar to your heartbeat. You remembered who she was. You sensed this was a nightmare.

Feeling your struggle, she forced you into a searing kiss. The smirk on her face remained still as she moved her lips against yours, tugging at your collar to get closer. You were losing oxygen as she bit at your lip.

She stopped, finally pulling away and letting you drop to your knees. You couldn't feel pain. There was nothing, you just felt numb as your lungs constricted, gasping for any remnant of air. Walking away, she threw one last glance to see you collapsing onto the stone and smiled. Like always.

The world started to blur; the edges of your eyesight turned black. This whole moment was familiar. Like somewhere deep in your brain it could be deja vu.

You began to focus on her footsteps as they faded away and echoed in your head.


You woke up mid-day to be gasping for air. With your blanket sprawled on the floor and a layer of uncomfortable sweat sticking to you, your knees buckled as you fell off your couch.

Struggling around your flat, you search for your medication while your fist pounded against your chest. After fumbling with the pill bottle's lid, you took two with an already set glass of water.

When your breathing was normalizing itself, you shuffled to your bathroom with your eyes half-closed. The world was spinning and you were having none of it.

After a splash of cold water down your face and neck, you began to feel better. You groaned at the turmoil inside you and the stupid nightmare. Her name was Gowon or Park Chaewan. Known to you as your ex-girlfriend for disturbing reasons.

Peeking out the crack of the bathroom door, the clock read somewhere around 1 pm. Deciding it was time to go to work, you iced yourself with a cold shower and threw on your uniform.


Time passed at a bearable amount, a few customers stopping by every now and ten. You owned the flower shop "del Loona" that branched off of a cafe owned by a college friend. It wasn't anything special and you hadn't thought of having a business before, but after running away you needed something to keep you sane.

You were finishing your last order for shipping tomorrow at the back of your shop. It was a simple arrangement, but they also requested a vase which amped up the price.

After finishing up, you heard the ding of your door opening and pulling on the bell. "Sorry, we are closing soon. I can set you up for a pick-up tomorrow if you are planning on buying an arrangement."

Your voice seemed to echo from the back, but you received no answer. Just the soft tap of shoes against the vinyl flooring. A bit confused, you didn't mind it much. You picked up the vase and walked to the curtain that divided the store just to almost drop it. Not breathing, your hands shook and placed the flowers on your counter. You didn't dare look up, yet looked to the side to see your friend had already left and closed the cafe. It was just you and her. "H-how did you find me."

"Oh darling, look at me" Her hand forced your face to look at her, her nails scraping your cheek. A feeling rocked you, sending you into a panic as you stared into her eyes of ice. Your hands gripped at the counter, trying to calm down. "I always find you."

You looked at her hand, watching it move slowly towards the vase of flowers, roses to be specific. Plucking one from the water, she rolled it gently between her fingers. You know she had chosen carefully, seeing she picked the specific one you forgot to trim thorns from.

Her smile stretched from ear to ear, reminding you of the one in your dream. Quickly, she placed its stem in the palm of your hand, her eyes turning to crescents and a low laugh coming out. Just as fast, she squeezed your hand closed, letting the sharp thorns sink into your skin. Crimson blood dripped from your hand, staining the table as you winced. She tightened her grip more allowing the thick liquid to pool onto marble, a stark contrast from red and white. "I would like to order a bouquet for my lovely girlfriend, free of charge, filled with these beautiful roses, just like this one. Can you do that for me, darling?"

You nodded numbly. "Great, I'll be here tomorrow. Same time." She finally let the flower drop, ripping away from your palm and letting your cuts drip. The flower bathed in the red, letting its prickly stem soak it in.




a/n - wooo it was hard to think of gowon as something other than cute jskhks

the photo used here is not mine. all credits go to the original owners.

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