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Grace woke in bed with Simon. He was fast asleep. Grace climbed out of bed. She had been feeling rotten for a few days. But she didn't know what it was. She knew she and Simon were extremely careful. So she couldn't have been pregnant.

Grace felt a pair of hands wrap around her waist. She smiled as he kissed her neck. "I didn't hear you wake up," he said.

Grace grinned. "Yeah I know. I'm a quiet little mouse. You wouldn't hear me," she told him.

Simon turned her and lifted her onto the bathroom sink. He kissed her lips and smirked. "You're honestly so amazing Grace. I love you."

"I love you too."

Arriving at work, Grace saw Esmè and walked over to her. She smiled. "How's it going?" She asked.

"Max and I had a row. He walked out and hooked up with his ex. Now he's begging me to forgive him. He can rot in hell."

Grace smiled and took her hand. "He's a jerk babe. Especially if he got you up here and gave you the fake happily ever after," she told him.

Esmè nodded. "I know. I just want to know why. If he was horny, he could have asked me and i would have given him what he wanted. But no. Instead he screwed me over. Now I'm stuck living with him because I didn't get my own place."

"Come stay with me."

Esmè laughed. "No offence or anything babes. But I'd rather go to a hotel then listen to you and Simon at it all hours. Because I'd lose my mind," she said.

"No offence taken."

Grace looked up as Simon walked in. She smiled at him. "Can you not go a whole day without talking to me?" She asked.

Simon smirked and shook his head. "No. Seeing you is the highlight of my life. I think I love you," he said.

"Oh? You think?"

Simon walked over to her and kissed her. "You know I love you. I love you more than anything in the world," he told her as he kissed her.

"Good. Because I love you too."


Grace sat in the common room. She looked up as Max walked in. She rolled her eyes. "She isn't here. And you're a scumbag for cheating."

"I didn't cheat on her at all. We're not together. All we do is have sex," Max said.

"Esmè thinks you're together. And you're the one who got her to give up her whole life and move to Greenock. She left everything behind for you," Grace spat.

Max rolled his eyes. "She didn't have to come with me. She didn't have to move up here," he said.

Simon was sitting in the living room. Grace walked in and smiled. She kissed him. "You do love me don't you? Like everything with us is going to be okay?" She asked.

Simon frowned and nodded. "Of course. What's brought all this on?"

Grace smiled and sighed. "I just feel like you might leave me soon," she mumbled.

"Never. I promise."

Grace smiled and kissed him passionately. But was this a promise Simon could keep?

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