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It was the middle of the night when Simon got a phone call. He answered it and immediately got out of bed. Grace had woken up. And she remembered everything.

He quickly got dressed and left the flat. He didn't know or care if he had broken the speed limit. But Grace was awake. And he needed to get there to her.

He arrived at the hospital and saw Maggie. She smiled. "She's awake. She's finally awake," she said as she took his hand. "She asked for you. It's the only reason I called. You haven't slept."

Simon shook his head. "I'm glad you called. Erm, I need to go in there. Can you call Max Tyler? And tell him that she's woken up and to tell Esmè? I know that she's worried about her too."

Maggie nodded and smiled. She took out her phone and dialled Max's number while Simon walked into Grace's room. She was awake and smiling. "You're a sight for sore eyes," she said as she smiled.

Simon walked over. He kissed her lips and smiled. "Don't ever do that to me again. I can't imagine not having you," he told her as he took her hand.

Grace smiled and nodded. "I'll try to not get shot for you then babe," she said as she looked to him and grinned.

"I've missed you."

"I missed you too. But I'm okay. I'm going to be fine," Grace told him as she smiled. "I know it's been hard. But things are going to be okay now. I promise," she said.

One week later, Grace had been discharged. Simon took delight in taking her home and making her stay there. He knew she was anxious to get back to work. But she was still on leave.

"Esmè is coming to sit with you. So just be patient. You can't go back yet because of your stitches," Simon told her.

Grace rolled her eyes. "I'm a big girl Simon. I'll be fine."

"No. Look Esmè is here now. So you stay comfortable, I'll let her in and then I'll head to work. I can come back at lunch if you want?" Simon said.

"It's okay. I'm a big girl. I can manage a couple of hours," she said as Esmè walked in. "Hey."

Esmè sat with her and smiled. "Hey loser. You okay?" She asked as she smiled.

Grace nodded. "I'd be even better if I didn't have to sit here all day and do nothing," she mumbled.

Esmè rolled her eyes. "Well if you hadn't have gotten shot, I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem. Are you okay? For real?" She asked when Simon walked out the room.

Grace sighed and smiled. "I'm as okay as I can be. I'm just worried that I'm going to lose my mind being here," she told her.

"I'm not talking about that. You went through a lot. And it can't have been easy," Esmè said.

Grace shrugged and sighed. She didn't know if she was okay. But she had to pretend she was. To stop people worrying.

Simon came back later that night. He saw Grace asleep and smiled. He knew he had been protective of her. But he didn't want to risk anything happening.

But he had no idea how their relationship was about to face the biggest challenge ever. Especially when faces from the past made an appearance.

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