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Grace sighed as she stood in the bathroom and looked down at the pregnancy test that she had taken. She sighed in relief as she saw it was negative.

She was glad, she knew how she and Simon weren't careful and she knew that the last thing that she wanted or needed was to have a baby.

Grace knew how hard things were and how hard Simon was working and she knew that she didn't want the scare to come between them and she didn't want it to effect them as it scared her. Grace knew how hard Simon was working and she knew it was best he didn't know over the scare.

She didn't want it to change anything between them and she knew that there was no reason to tell him when she knew that the last thing she wanted was to put a risk at their relationship as she loved him and she knew that the last thing that she wanted was to loose him as she really want to make their relationship work.

Grace looked to her phone and sighed as she saw Simon was calling her and sighed. She knew that she couldn't avoid him forever
Grace got to work and smiled as she saw esme "did you take the test" esme asked as grace nodded

"it's negative. I don't think I am going to tell Simon I mean I know I should not you know how it had been with us and the fighting and that and I want it to get back to how it is with us and I know he will just freak out over it" grace said as esme looked to her and smiled

"I know it's hard but it will be okay. I mean you and Simon are good together and you will get past the fighting and you can make it work and really there is nothing to tell him sicne your not pregnant" esme said as grace looked to her and smiled

"yeah I guess so I just don't want to loose him over this and over a stupid fight as I know we are worth so much more and I don't want to loose our relationship because of it" grace said as esme looked to her and smiled

"I get that and I know your worried but you will be okay. Don't worry over it" esme said as grace looked to her and smiled. She hoped that esme was right as she knew that the last thing she wanted was too lose her relationship with Simon

Grace sat in her felt weird she heard a knock at the door. She stood up and smiled as she looked to see Simon

"I'm sorry I was a jerk and I'm sorry over the fight" he said as she lead him inside. She looked to him and smiled

"I'm sorry too I just want to make it work" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"so do I" she said as he walked inside. She looked to him and smiled as she hugged him as he held her close and smiled as he kissed the top of her head and smiled

"it's all gong to be okay" he said as she smiled. She knew that she wanted to make it work but could she knowing she was keeping the pregnancy scare from him?

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