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Grace got to work and sighed to herself. She had been avoiding Simon ever since she told him that he had to fight for her. Grace was scared that he wasn't going t o fight for her and it was the end of what they had.

Grace was scared and she didn't know what she was going to do. Grace ran her hands through her hair as she walked through the car park as she saw Esmè. Esmè walked in with her and smiled

"are you okay?" Esmè asked as grace looked to Esmè and smiled

"I guess. I just don't know what to do. My head is a mess and I feel sick, I feel sick fearing that I have pushed him away es. I think that I am falling for him and it's a mess" Grace said she knew that all that it has just been sex for months and how it felt as if it was more and grace didn't know what to do or think over it.

Grace walked into the staffroom and sighed as she saw Simon. Grace didn't know how to face him. Grace started to make herself a coffee. She knew it was going to be a long day with having to deal with simon and trying to stay away from him.

Grace stood with Esmè and smiled "you know that he is watching you don't you?" Esmè asked as grace smiled

"I know, I just can't deal with him and all that is happening right now. Not when I asked him to fight for me and hit when he has fine nothing to fight for me at all and I feel so numb" grace said as Esmè looked to her and smiled. Esmè knew how stubborn that her best friend was and she hated it. She hated to think over it and how she was struggling

"I know that you love him grace and if you saw the way he looked at you, than you would realise that he loved you too. You need to talk to him" esme said as grace looked to her smiled.

Grace looked over as Simon walked out of the room and sighed. She knew that her head was a mess when it came to Simon but she knew that she couldn't hide how she felt forever even if it meant admitting to Simon how she was falling in love with him.

grace knew that she needed to open up her heart but she knew that deep down that she was scared that she was going to end up hurt and she knew that it broke her to think over. Grace jut didn't know what to do over everything.

Grace sighed as she walked out of the staffroom and to her classroom needing to clear her head

Grace say in her classroom as Simon walked in and looked to her and smiled "I think we need to talk" he said as she looked to him and frowned

"we do?" She asked as he nodded

"yeah we do. I don't know what is going on with us grace but we have something and I know you want me to fight for you but here I am. I am fighting for you to tell you that I want you, I want us and I want to be us" he said as grace looked to him and sighed as she stood up and walked over to him and sighed

"I love you Simon, I do and it kills me as I don't want to end up hurt but what we have is great but I don't want it to be just sex, it's great but I want more" she said as Simon nodded

"I do too, I want you and I don't care what I just want you" he said as they held a look before he leant in and kissed her. Grace kissed him back as she wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned as she kissed him back.

He backed her up onto the desk as the kiss got more passionate. He pulled her close as she undid his belt as he pulled the thong that she was wearing as he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her

Grace sighed as she stood by simons car and smiled "I know that your scared but it's going to be okay, I know it is, I love you snd I want to make us work" Simon said as grace looked to him and smiled as she kissed him

but could they make it work when it was still a mess and when she was still so scared to be with him but little did grace know how someone was going to do their best to come between them before they even started their relationship

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