Chapter 1: Moving Forward

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Emerald and Mercury stared in horror out the building's windows, at the vast wasteland below them, crawling with hoardes and hoardes of grimm. Suddenly Cinder snapped her fingers, and the duo left their spot at the window and walked towards Cinder, who was seated at a long table, with three other men. Cinder's hair had been cut short, and she now had an eye patch over her left eye. Furthermore there was a thin red line on her neck just below her jaw; the scar marking the spot where her throat had been slit previously. As Emerald moved Mercury in order to stand close to Cinder, one of the men at the table spoke up.

Watts: "Yes yes, please keep your...posse in check" Mercury growled and moved forward but he was quickly held back by Emerald. Watts turned to the huge man seated beside him, "You hear that? Silence", he turned back to Cinder, "I have half the mind to thank the boy for besting you. And the little girl too"

Across the table, the third man spoke, a scorpion faunus, "If I were you, I'd hunt them down, find them and...well, he took your eye and your voice didn't he? And the girl cost you an arm...". The man beside Watts spoke up finally, "Tyrian, you know the boy is needed alive" Tyrian snickered, "I'm sure the Young Master can live with just one eye Hazel" he began to laugh hysterically.

Cinder tried to speak but as much as she tried, all she could produce were strained exhaling sounds. She then turned to Emerald to whisper into her ear.

Watts: "Pathetic. Why did you even..." There was a loud sound as the door suddenly opened and a woman strolled into the room. She had pale white skin and equally white hair, but was dressed in black. Though her appearance was unique, the most unsettling thing about her were her eyes. The pupils were blood red, and her sclera was as black as night. Cinder and the rest of the men stood up in their seats upon her arrival. The woman walked slowly to the front of the room, before turning to face the others.

Salem: "Watts. Do you find such malignance necessary?" she waved her hand, and everyone took their seats.

Watts: "I apologize ma'am. I'm not particularly fond of failure" Salem took her own seat  at the head of the table, "Then I see no reason for your cruelty towards young Cinder. She's become our Fall Maiden, destroyed Beacon Tower, and most importantly...killed dear Ozpin. So I'm curious, to what failures are you referring?"

Watts: "Well, she was bested by the boy she was sent to retrieve, as well as the girl with the silver eyes"

Hazel: "Silver eyes, we've dealt with their kind before. Understandably the boy has skill and power, but  as for the girl, how is it a novice was able to best one of us?"

Watts: "My thoughts exactly. Even without her new power it should have been effortless"

Salem: "It is because of the maiden's power. Make no mistake Cinder, you hold one of the keys to our victory. But your new-found strength brings with it a crippling weakness. Which is why you will remain by my side until we complete your treatment" Upon hearing this, Cinder turned to stare at the table, scowling deeply. Salem went on, "Dr. Watts, you are to take Cinder's place and meet our informant in Mistral"

Watts: "Very good"

Salem: "Tyrian, I want you to continue your hunt for the Spring Maiden"

Tyrian: "Gladly"

Salem: "And Hazel, I'm sending you to the leader of the White Fang. Adam Taurus has arranged the meeting. The boy continues to prove loyal. Ensure that Sienna Kahn feels the same"

Hazel: "As you wish" Cinder raised up a finger as a request to speak, and Emerald bent down to listen to her strained message.

Salem: "Speak child"

Emerald: "She wants to know...what about Kai...and the girl"

Watts: "The girl? We still need the boy, but it seems to me that the silver eyed girl is Cinder's problem, not ours" Cinder slammed a fist on the table and glared at Watts, who simply smirked at her.

Salem: "That's enough. Tyrian?"

Tyrian: "Yes my lady?"

Salem: "Spring can wait. Find the girl with the silver eyes..." Tyrian giggled and clapped his hands in glee.

Salem: "...and bring her to me" At that his joy disappeared and he frowned, his expression then became sorrowful, then he smiled again and shrugged, "Understood, but...what about the Young Master?"

Salem: "Leave the boy. Perhaps we were hasty in asking Cinder to retrieve him. Kai's abilities are strong but they're still growing. His power will be of great use to us. We will retrieve the boy, but only when the time is right." Cinder's eyes widened, then she turned to face the table again, a defeated expression on her face.

Salem then stood firmly and turned to face everyone, "We will keep moving forward with our plans. Because of your efforts, Beacon has fallen. And Haven, will be next..."

A/N: Okay this is actually more of a prologue than a first chapter. I've been busy recently, but I'll try as much as I can to keep dropping the chapters. The implication of this is that I won't be making regular uploads like I normally do. Anyway, till next time

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