Chapter 8: Rift

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Ruby: "Kai you can't actually expect to carry him all the way"

Kai: "I do and I will" The group walked down the path hurriedly, with Kai carrying Qrow on his back.

Jaune: "You can't keep carrying him for that long" Kai answered coldly without looking back at Jaune, "Watch me" He tightened his hold on Qrow's limp body and began to walk even faster.

Nora: "Be reasonable"

Ren: "Let us help you" At that Kai stopped and turned around to glare at them, "And what do you guys care? You're better off without him anyway, right? Nobody wants the bad luck luck charm around" Ruby suddenly stepped in front of Kai, "That's not fair! He's my uncle too!" Kai took a small step back, startled. Ruby stepped closer to Kai, "Look, I don't want anything to happen to him either. None of us do. So, please..." she stared at him directly in the eye and repeated Ren's words, "...let us help you"

Kai broke eye contact with Ruby and stared at the ground, "Tch...fine..." In a few minutes they had constructed a makeshift stretcher and carried Qrow on it as they continued down the path, with Kai carrying the stretcher at the head and Jaune supporting from behind. Nora provided cover from behind Jaune, Ruby walked beside Kai and Ren moved in front.

Qrow: "Tai..." he coughed severely and continued his mumbling, "...she's not...coming...Tai..." he coughed again.

Jaune: "He's getting worse". Kai whispered under his breath "Just hang in there Qrow...". Ruby turned to face Jaune, "How much further?"

Nora: "We gotta be close"

Ren: "Without the map there's no way of knowing" Kai snarled, "Well then someone shouldn't have dropped the map in the first place" Jaune scowled, "Well sorry if I was too busy checking the village for signs of life"

Kai: "Yeah well how'd that turn out?"

Ruby: "Kai stop! Why are you being like this?" Kai didn't respond, instead he just kept moving straight forward. Everyone exchanged glances, before Ren broke the silence.

Ren: "Well, I feel like we're close to something..." he stopped suddenly, and then raced towards a sign post which was stood in the middle of a fork in the path.

Ruby: "What is it?" Nora raced up beside Ren, pointing at one of the arms on the sign post pointing to the right, "Hey, Mistral! We're on the right path!" Seeing the grim look on Ren's face she turned back to look at another arm on the sign post which pointed to the left, "Oh..."

Ruby: "Does it say how close?"

Ren: "No. And it looks like the path takes us up through the mountains" Kai and Jaune put down the stretcher gently.

Jaune: "Guys...I don't know if all of us can make that climb" Kai knelt down beside Qrow as Ruby and Jaune walked up to the sign post.

Ruby: "Okay...what about this place?" she pointed to the left sign which was scratched out with an 'x', but the writing was still visible, "Kuro...Kuroyuri. Can we get help there?"

Ren: "That village was destroyed years ago"

Jaune: "But, if it takes us around the mountains it's the best bet we've got"

Ren: "It will take too long"

Ruby: "The town would have had a doctor right? Or maybe we can scavenge for medicine"

Jaune: "Right!"

Ren: "We're not going to find anything! We just have to press ON!" At this Kai looked up and glared at Ren, "Is there some reason you don't want to go to Kuroyuri? Because I'll just tell you this..." He got up from Qrow's side and walked slowly to the group, "I...don'" As Ren grunted and turned to face Kai with a scowl, Nora quickly stepped between the two boys, "We can split up!"

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