Chapter 4: Encounter at Higanbana

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Team RNJR continued their journey through Anima, slowly but steadily making their way towards the town of Haven, with Kai slowly lagging behind them.

Ruby: "Come on guys. If we pick up the pace we can hit the next town before sunset"

Jaune: "Assuming it's still there"

Ruby: "Of course it'll be there. This one's supposed to be pretty big" She turned to the map to read the name of the town, "Hee..gan...bay..nah..."

Ren: "Higanbana(pronounced High-gan-bah-nah). It's a well protected village with a popular inn"

Nora: "Which means, no camping in the rain"

Ruby: "See Jaune, everything's gonna be fine" Jaune sighed, "You know, we've had a lot of ups and downs. But I guess things could be a lot worse. I really thought we'd see more grimm."

Ren: "As did I"

Nora: "I guess our luck is finally turning around"

Kai: 'Luck huh...' Kai turned around to glance shortly at the top of the cliff behind them, directly at the shadow which had been following the group since the beginning of their journey. He sighed and then turned forward, continuing the trek to Higanbana.
The rain was pouring heavily and the group had gotten to the inn in Higanbana just in time. As they paid for rooms, Kai spoke up, claiming he had to go somewhere.

Jaune: "What? Go where?"

Kai: "Don't fret, I just need to check on the tavern next door, see if it's okay to get anything to eat there for tomorrow"

Ruby: "You sure?. But the rain..."

Kai: "Don't worry, I'll be quick" Kai turned on his heels and made his way towards the exit. He stepped outside into the way and quickly made his way to the tavern. Once inside he heated himself up with his semblance, in order to dry faster. He then looked around for Qrow. His eyes landed on a secluded table upstairs, where Qrow seemed to be in a conversation with...

Kai: 'Raven?' Kai peered closely at them, trying to get a clearer image of what he was seeing. There was no doubt; the black hair, the battle attire which had the same colour as blood, the skull mask on the table; the woman at the table was, most certainly, Raven Branwen. Kai's heart began to beat faster and he took a deep breath to steady himself. It wasn't like he was scared of Raven, but he was definitely wary of her. He'd be a fool not to.

Kai: 'What are they talking about?' He looked around again and spotted a red curtain a little way behind Raven's seat. He could use that as a hiding spot to listen in on their conversation. Looking around to see if anyone was watching, he quickly moved to the other side of the balcony, opposite the staircase, and hoisted himself up with ease. He then quickly but stealthily crept towards the curtain behind Raven.

Raven: "Does she have it?" There was a long pause before Qrow finally spoke, "Did you know Yang lost her arm?"

Raven: "That's not..."

Qrow: "Rhetorical question. I know you know. It's just obnoxious that you'd bring up family and then carry on like your own daughter doesn't exist" Behind the curtain Kai clenched his fists tightly.

Raven: "I saved her"

Qrow: "Once. That was your rule right? Real mom of the year material" Raven suddenly stood up, leaned over the table and grabbed Qrow's arm, "I told you Beacon would fall, and it did. I told you Ozpin would fail, and he has. Now you tell me. Does. Salem. Have it?"

Qrow: "I thought you weren't interested in all of that"

Raven: "I just want to know what we're up against"

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