Chapter 7: A Little History Lesson

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Kai: "Like I said, we already know most of this, Qrow" Kai, Qrow and Team RNJR were seated on logs, and gathered around a fire. Qrow had proceeded to explain everything about the maidens from the beginning, even though Kai had protested that he had already explained to his friends all that he knew. Qrow insisted, saying that, "It would be better to make sure everyone knows the same things"

Ruby: "Kai already told us about the maidens. Powerful fighters that don't need dust to use magic"

Nora: "There are always four of them"

Ren: "And when one of them dies, the power transfers to someone else, a female that they care about, the one who was in their last thoughts" Qrow nodded, "Important distinction. Best option it's someone we can trust. Regardless their souls become combined, in a way"

Jaune: "And that's what you were trying to do to Pyrrha. The night the tower fell. Kai said she was the next candidate for the Fall Maiden"

Qrow: "The previous Fall Maiden, Amber, had been attacked. She was young, and experienced. And her assailant, who we now know was Cinder, somehow managed to steal some of her power, but not all of it. We were afraid that if we didn't do something, the rest of the power would go to her as well"

Jaune: "So you forced it on Pyrrha"

Kai: "No one forced anything Jaune. Qrow and the others explained the situation to us and gave Pyrrha a choice. And...she chose. We've been over this already"

Jaune: "I...I know Kai. All of this is still just so much to take in. I just tried so hard not to think about it all this time"

Kai: "I understand how you feel. But sooner or later...we have to accept the reality that this is what we're up against"

Ruby: "That guy...Tyrian. Why was he after me?"

Qrow: "Well you definitely painted a target on your back with what you did at Beacon"

Kai: "You mean the eye thing?" Qrow nodded, "I told you having silver eyes is a rare trait, and the fact that you're someone that was able to use them seems to have upset some very powerful people. Not many people know about the silver eyes, those that do, aren't very happy when one has surfaced"

Nora: "So people are going to be after Ruby now? Just like Kai?"

Ren: "Tyrian did say he was after Kai as well, but that Ruby would have to do 'for now'"

Qrow: "Yeah. That's why I've been keeping an eye on you guys. Had to make sure you were safe. All of you"

Kai: "Spotted you after we left Tai's cabin in the woods"

Jaune: "You knew he was following us? And you didn't say anything?"

Kai: "Qrow...has his reasons for keeping his distance"

Ruby: "Why? Why didn't he just come with us? It seems like that would have been easier"

Jaune: "Maybe cause he was using you as bait"

Qrow: "What? No, it's...complicated"

Jaune: "What is this even? Kai and Ruby are being hunted, the schools are being attacked, all for what? What is the point of all of this anyway?"

Qrow sighed, "Okay, time for a little history lesson. Not many people are super religious these days. This world's been around for a long time, long enough that people have created dozens of gods. But if you believe Ozpin, two of them are actually real. They were brothers, the older sibling the god of light, who found joy in creating the forces of life. Meanwhile the younger brother, the god of darkness, spent his time creating forces of destruction. As you can imagine, they both had pretty different ideas of how things should go. The older one would spend his days creating water, plants, wildlife. At night the younger brother would wake to see all the things he had made and become disgusted. To counteract his brother's creations, the god of darkness brought drought, fire, famine, all that he can do to rid Remnant of life"

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