Chapter 10: Safe Haven

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Kai: "How did you guys even find us all the way out here?" Jaune, Ren and Nora had boarded the first ship, while Kai and Ruby watched over Qrow who lay on a stretcher in the second ship. The two ships were currently in the sky, soaring over the continent of Anima at an incredible pace.

Officer: "We were on patrol and saw the smoke. No-one's been out here for years. Thought something might be wrong"

Kai: "Well I'm definitely glad you thought that. Seriously though, thank you for helping us out" The officer shrugged, "It was no bother" Ruby sighed worriedly from her spot on the floor beside Qrow

Ruby: "What if we don't make it in time?"

Kai: "Actually...we just might. Look..." Kai pointed out the open door space, and Ruby raised her head to look at what he was gesturing to. The sight that greeted them, was the view of Kingdom of Mistral, growing ever larger as they inched closer and closer. Kai bent down and put a hand on Ruby's shoulder reassuredly, "Everything is going to be alright Ruby" Ruby blinked back tears and looked down at Qrow, gripping his hand tightly, "We made it Uncle Qrow..."
Kai walked back into the room he and Qrow shared, to find Ruby at the table, writing into a notepad. Qrow was fast asleep in his bed, after receiving treatment at a nearby medical centre, and Kai's own bed lay arranged neatly and empty, except for Crecent Rose which was currently sitting on top of his bedsheet.

Kai: "Hey. What're you writing?"

Ruby: "Oh, hey Kai..." she looked up at him with a smile, "...nothing much. I'm just writing out a letter to Yang, telling her about everything we've been through, letting her know we've all made it to Mistral in one piece" A wistful look came over Kai's face, and he moved to sit at the edge of his bed. Ruby looked at him, concerned, "Kai? Is something wrong?"

Kai: "It's..." he sighed, "...It's Yang. I've been so pre-occupied with a lot lately...surviving our journey and getting to Mistral, dealing with my past, saving Qrow...that I didn't really think about her all that much. But now that we're here, now that everything's over? She's all I can think about"

Ruby: "Oh Kai..." Ruby got up from her seat and planted herself on the bed beside Kai. Kai sighed again, "I just wonder if she can ever forgive me"

Ruby: "Hey, she might not even be mad about it anymore" Kai chuckled a little, "I dunno about that one, she seemed pretty mad when I last saw her"

Ruby: "Come on Kai, it's been over several weeks. Yang will calm down, I know it"

Kai: "Yeah...I hope so. I just...really miss her right now" Ruby put her hand over Kai's, "Yeah...I miss her too"

Kai turned to look at Ruby, "You know, these past weeks have been hard. I've had to face down some of the things from the past; guilt, regret, trauma, fear...and for each and every time I thought I had fallen to these troubles, you were always there to pull me out, Ruby. You've been by my side from day one of our journey, always helping me move forward" he chuckled and looked away, "How you can be so strong I'll never know..." he turned back to face her, "I never would have made it this far without you. So I guess what I'm trying to say is...thank you, Ruby. Thank you for always being there for me."

Ruby smiled and wiped a tear from her eye, before pulling Kai into a hug, "Of course I'll always be there Kai. I love you. You're like a big brother to me. And I will always be there to support you. No matter what." Kai smiled and wrapped his arms around her too, "I love you too Ruby. We'll always support each other. No matter what"

Ruby: "No matter what"
~Salem's lair~
Cinder grunted as she tore through grimm after grimm that Salem sent at her, while Mercury and Emerald watched on the sidelines.

Salem: "You're making good progress Cinder. You're angry. But I want you to go deeper into that anger" Salem turned and nodded towards Emerald, who in response, put her fingers to the side of her head, activating her semblance. An image of a downed and helpless Ruby appeared in front of Cinder in the middle of the room. Cinder glared at Ruby's form, and thrust out her hand, releasing a powerful burst of flames which tore right through the projection.

Salem: "Now, even deeper" she gestured to Emerald who activated her semblance again. But this time, the image that appeared in front of Cinder, was Kai. His hands were shoved in his pocket in a carefree manner, and when he looked up and saw Cinder, he gave her a warm, friendly smile. Anyone would have taken this for a nice gesture, but to Cinder, it was sickening. Everything about him made her angry. Cinder gritted her teeth and her fists balled up tightly as she tried to control her anger.

Salem: "Don't hold yourself back. Let loose, Cinder" Cinder's eyes lit up in flames as she created a long flaming blade. Crying out in rage, she swung the flaming blade at Kai, severing his torso from his lower body. An arc of flames sprung forward from the flaming strike leaving an indentation in the wall at the end of the room. Salem looked onward at the destruction, and smiled.

Salem: "Very good Cinder. Very good."

A/N: Another book done, though it'll be a while before I start book 5, we've resumed college fully. I do intend to continue up to volume 8 of RWBY but, in due time. Anyway, this is bye for now. Take care

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