Chapter 6: Qrow vs Tyrian

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Qrow: "Hey"

Ruby: "Uncle Qrow!"

Kai: "Took you long enough. You overslept again didn't you" Qrow smiled, and then turned to face the faunus with a scowl. The faunus raised his arms in surprise, "As I live and breathe, Qrow Branwen..." he giggled before giving a little bow, "...a true huntsman has entered the fray" Qrow looked back at Kai and Ruby with a confused look on his face that said, 'What's wrong with him?'

Ruby: "I don't know, this guy's weird"

Kai: "He said he was after Ruby for some reason" Qrow turned to face the faunus again, "Look pal, I'm not sure who you are, but you need to leave my niece alone" The faunus giggled again, "Why friend, my name is Tyrian, and I'm afraid that is not possible. My assignment from Your Grace was to retreive this young girl, so that is what I must do. One does not upset the Queen"

Ruby: "Queen?"

Qrow: "Salem..."

Kai: "Her again?"

Ruby: "Who again?"

Tyrian: "I think we've had enough talk now don't you?'

Qrow: "You took the words right out of..." Before Qrow could complete his sentence Tyrian dashed at Qrow, but the huntsman was quick enough to react in time and block the attack. Tyrian struck at Qrow twice again, but Qrow parried each blow easily before swinging his own blade at him. Tyrian jumped to avoid the blow, and landed with a kick aimed at Qrow's head. The dark haired man swiftly dodged and countered with another sword strike, which Tyrian backflipped away from. Tyrain dashed at Qrow again, but Qrow retaliated witha heavy swing of his blade. Though Tyrian managed to block, the impact sent the faunus flying a few meters away. As he landed he immediately ducked to avoid another strike from Qrow, who was already in front of him. The two skilled fighters began to trade blows, moving so fast they were almost a blur. Tyrian's tail struck out at Qrow, but Qrow blocked two strikes, before jumping up to avoid a third, and then come spinning downwards like a wheel at Tyrian. Tyrian immediately put up his blades to block, and the impact of the clash shattered the roof of a building in the distance.

Jaune: "Amazing"

Nora: "He can actually keep up with this guy" Kai shrugged, "Well, that's my old man for ya"

Ruby: "Are we just gonna keep standing here? We have to help"

Ren: "Right" Ren and Nora dashed towards Tyrian, who seemed occupied shooting bullets out of his gauntlet at Qrow, who in return was blocking the barrage with his blade.

Kai: "No, don't!" As Ren and Nora approached Tyrian, he bent over backwards to look at them, giggling loudly. He bent down as they attacked, and then spinning on his hands, kicked the two of them away. He then dashed towards the rest of the group but Qrow intercepted quickly.

Qrow: "Don't come closer!" Ruby scowled, "Fine!" then she made her way to the top of a building.

Kai: "Ruby! What are you doing?!"

Ruby: "I'm helping!" she took aim at Tyrian with Crescent Rose, but struggled to keep up with his fast movements as he and Qrow dashed all over the place.

Kai: "Stay out of it! Qrow has it under control!"

Ruby: "I can't just stand around and do nothing!" As Tyrian managed to disarm Qrow with a flick of his tail, Ruby fired at him, but the shot missed by a few inches, alerting Tyrian to her presence. She fired more shots at him, all of which were blocked by his tail. Qrow watched as Tyrian blocked Ruby's shots, then shrugged, balled up his fists and punched Tyrian in the face. Tyrian held his face and looked up surprised, only to be met with two more punches, and finally a kick which sent him tumbling a few meters backwards.

Qrow walked over to retrieve his blade, which was lodged in the wall of a building a few  meters away. As he picked up his blade again, Tyrian attacked him which prompted him to jump onto the roof of the building. Tyrian jumped up to the roof, shooting a barrage of bullets at Qrow, but Qrow swiftly blocked them with his blade. Suddenly, Qrow moved to another side of the roof, and as Tyrian jumped to follow him, he landed on a weal plank and fell through the roof, but not before dragging Qrow down with him.

Ruby jumped down from her perch on the rooftop and ran over to the house where Qrow fell through. Kai sudenly appeared in front of her, "Stop Ruby, you have to stay out of this" Qrow suddenly emerged from the building tumbling along the ground but managed to steady himself with his blade, with Tyrain emerging a few seconds later.

Ruby: "I won't just stand by and watch someone get hurt!" She activated her semblance and dashed past Kai towards Tyrian, just as he kicked away Qrow, and slashed at him with her scythe. He easily blocked the strike, commenting, "Dear girl, do you wish to be taken?" Tyrian shot at Ruby, which she blocked and struck at him with her scythe again. He knocked away the blade and his tail lashed out at her. Ruby's eyes widened as the tail came down on her, then suddenly Kai appeared before her and blocked the strike with Raze, before Qrow appeared to lock blades with Tyrian again.

Qrow: "Ruby! What did I say?"

Kai: "We have to get back Ruby"

Ruby: "THIS IS MY FIGHT TOO!" She dashed around Kai and quickly moved behind Tyrian

Kai: "You don't get it, it's not about that!" Ruby dashed towards Tyrian and attacked again with Crescent Rose, and again the strike was knocked away. Tyrian executed a drop kick to Ruby's torso and she tumbled backwards on the ground, till she was at the foot of the building Qrow and Tyrian fell through earlier. One of the planks suddenly broke off and fell down, directly towards Ruby.

Qrow: "No!" In a flash he dashed over to Ruby and slashed the plank vertically in half, leaving Ruby untouched. In that moment, Tyrian saw his opportunity, and slashed Qrow with his tail. Qrow grunted in pain as the stinger tore through his flesh, leaving a bright red streak on his torso.

Kai: "Qrow!" Ruby retaliated immediately, bringing down her scythe and in a swift movement, cut off part of Tyrian's tail. Tyrian howled in pain, as his severed tail twitched on the ground before him. He turned to Ruby and cried out, "You BITCH!" he began to stagger towards Ruby, but Kai suddenly appeared in front of him, and brought down his blade on Tyrian. The faunus couldn't react quickly enough, and the blade left a diagonal opening down his torso. Tyrian gripped the wound as blood began to flow from the gash in his body. He then looked up, at Jaune, Nora and Ren who had assembled beside Kai.

Tyrian: "Sh-she'll forgive you..." he muttered to himself before he scampered away. As soon as he left, Qrow collapsed onto his knees.

Ruby: "Uncle Qrow! Are you okay?" Qrow panted heavily, "I'll be fine...he just grazed me" The others ran over to Qrow.

Kai: "You alright old man?"

Qrow: "I'm...fine kid"

Nora: "Who was that guy?"

Ren: "How did you get here?"

Jaune: "Why are people after Ruby?"

Kai: "Qrow, I think this is the time. Who is Salem?"

Qrow grunted and then managed to smile, "Okay then, how much do you guys already know?"

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