Chapter 3: Bad Memories

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Ruby: "So the next town is..." Ruby peered at the map held out in front of her, "..uh-huh...uh-huh..." and then she sighed, "...We're lost". Kai groaned silently. The group had resumed their journey after discovering that the map was with Ruby all along, not that it mattered now anyway...

Jaune: "Actaully we're not lost, the next town is Shion. My family used to visit it all the time". Kai chuckled, "Seriously? Don't you have like six sisters?" Jaune looked away, a little embarrassed, "Uh, seven actually.."

Nora: "You know it actually explains a lot"

Jaune: "Wait what do you mean by..."

Ruby: "Soooo..." she interrupted loudly, "...what did you guys do there?"

Jaune: "Oh! All sorts of stuff!" Jaune hurried up to Ruby and began to point out spots on the map, "Over here is a great hiking trail, and over here is where we went camping all the time. I got my own tent because I was special"

Kai: "Pfft, mama's boy"

Jaune: "Hey! Actually it was more so my sisters would stop braiding my hair"

Ruby: "Didn't like the look?"

Jaune: "Yeah, they just kept doing pigtails, but personally I think I'm more of a  warrior's wolf tail kind of guy"

Kai: "That's...just a ponytail Jaune" Jaune shrugged, "I stand by what I said"

Suddenly, Nora, Ren and Kai stopped walking, but Jaune and Ruby kept moving forward, eyes glued to the map.

Nora: "Uh, guys?"

Kai: "What the hell?"

Jaune & Ruby: "What?" They looked up and gasped in horror. The village in front of them lay in ruins. The group immediately dashed into the village. Going deeper inside, the damage done was becoming worse. The trees were charred and burnt and half the buildings were completely destroyed, and bodies could be seen on the street.

Kai: "We have to check for any survivors"

Ren: "Over here!" Ren called out before running over to a man who lay unmoving against a broken wall, which was all that remained of the building. The rest of the group followed suit. Upon getting closer, they gasped again.

Ruby: "A Huntsman!"

Jaune: "What happened? What killed all these people?" The Huntsman coughed in pain, before managing to speak, "Bandits...a whole tribe. And with all the panic..." he began to cough again, his right hand clutching his torso where he had been stabbed.

Kai: "The panic...attracted grimm" Jaune Ruby and Nora moved away from the injured huntsman to discuss their plans.

Ruby: "Alright, we can get him to the next village and try to find a doctor there."

Jaune: "Right, Ren, Kai and I can take turns carrying him"

Nora: "I don't know if he'll make it.."

Jaune: "He will...he has to"

Ruby: "If we get going now his chances will be better, I can run over for help..."

Kai: "Don't bother Ruby" The group turned to find Kai staring down at the huntsman, whose right hand had dropped from his torso, limp and cold, "He's dead". Ruby, Jaune and Nora stared at the huntsman's limp body, a distraught look on their faces.

Nora: "Should we...bury him?" Ren suddenly walked past her, without sparing another glance at anyone or anything in the village, "We should go. It's not safe here". As Nora chased after Ren, Jaune sighed deeply. Ruby put a hand on his shoulder, "It's going to be okay"

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